Barry CRNA Starting 2018

Nursing Students SRNA


Hello all! I just thought I would start a thread for those of us applying. I have started my application and I am working on my personal statement now. How are you all doing?

I have taken the GRE and passed my CCRN. I still need to get my PALS. I also need to ask for my letters of recommendation and send in my school transcripts & GRE scores. I'm going to try to apply for the Tampa campus.

Interviewed today. It was really laid back and more personal. Should be hearing something within two weeks they said.

Those were supposed to be !!!!!! Not ??? When I said "then you're probably in" í ½í¸Š


Did the give up tour of facility? How many people in your interview? Did they tell you or did you ask how many spots are left?

Anyone hear when the June interview dates are?

I interviewed yesterday as well. Very laid back, with just some general interview questions. Interview was conducted by 4 people, 2 in person, and 2 via video. The whole process was very quick, I think I was there for under 45 minutes. As the others have said, we should hear back in no later than 2 weeks. Fingers crossed.

Hi everyone, I will be applying in Sept for the May 2018 class but I am a bit confused how Barry runs their site programs. Which sites other than Orlando have SIM? If you want to take the program say in Ocala and they do not have a SIM does that mean you have to move to Orlando for a Semester? Is it the same for Palm Beach? Can anyone help me navigate how Barry works? Thank you...

Congrats!!! What campus will you be attending???

I was accepted! Best of luck everyone, I know it's a stressful process, but stay positive; everyone here is amazing

I'll be at the Hollywood campus! What campuses are you guys at?

Congratulations! Did they give any indication of how much space was left or when they might be doing another interview?

They did not and thank you!

Congrats to anyone else who was accepted and good luck and have hope to those who are waiting! I submitted my app and completely lost hope in April due to others getting interviews with much much higher stats compared to mine.

Anyone heard of interviews for June?

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