Barry CRNA Starting 2018

Nursing Students SRNA


Hello all! I just thought I would start a thread for those of us applying. I have started my application and I am working on my personal statement now. How are you all doing?

I have taken the GRE and passed my CCRN. I still need to get my PALS. I also need to ask for my letters of recommendation and send in my school transcripts & GRE scores. I'm going to try to apply for the Tampa campus.

I absolutely recommend taking the head start classes (all of them). You will be in SUCH a better place during the first semester. It will allow you to get settled in before the "storm" comes. Those that did not take the head start classes seemed to struggle, especially with chemistry.


Thanks for the info and advice! Did you take all three classes in one semester? I think they're offered in the summer and fall..

Did you have to relocate for the program?

I only took professional aspects and chemistry during the fall, guess i missed the boat with the research class. And yeah, as my name suggests, I moved from Utah to Florida. I hate snow, so no big deal there. Haha.

I figured you had to relocate. Just didn't want to assume. Ha

How was relocating and etc.... if all goes well, id be moving from California.

Relocating is definitely no fun, and it can be quite expensive...but in the grand scheme of things, it's just one small bullet you have to bite. Any reason why you are choosing Tampa? If you are even considering Orlando, I would suggest that that is the better location.

Relocating is definitely no fun, and it can be quite expensive...but in the grand scheme of things, it's just one small bullet you have to bite. Any reason why you are choosing Tampa? If you are even considering Orlando, I would suggest that that is the better location.

Do you know if your choice of location could affect your admission since some locations take less students, possibly making those locations more competitive? I would prefer Tampa but would not mind Orlando if it came down to it. Ultimately, location is at the bottom of the priority list for me if i cant be picky!

No, your acceptance doesn't matter based what location you prefer, you just might not get your first pick. They give you clinical location preference in the order that you were accepted.

The reasons I say that Orlando may be a better option than Tampa (I am in Tampa) is for a few reasons...

Firstly, they have a SIM lab, we don't. We are at a SIGNIFICANT disadvantage during the first semester, because all of my buddies in Orlando get to put their hands on the mannequin and anesthesia machine any time they would like to, and there are senior students there all the time to help them with stuff. We have to commute (1.5-2.5 hours each way, depending on traffic) to get SIM time. there will be 3 times you HAVE to go, but you WILL NOT pass your practicum class if you don't go at least 3 more times on your own to get more practice. I can't believe that they haven't built a SIM lab here in Tampa, or at least gotten us a machine to play with, but they haven't.

Secondly, although their clinical rotation has been said to be more difficult, I have also heard that it is better, in that you will have less hand-holding and you will be exposed to doing more stuff on your own. To each his own on that one.

Thirdly, and maybe biggest of all...Almost every student from Tampa will have to take a rotation of clinicals during their second year in Orlando. Yes, they will make you move to provided housing in Orlando for and entire semester. They say it is so that you can "get your peds hours" or whatever, but what it really is, is that they have a contract with Orlando hospital to provide X number of students (free labor), and if the Orlando site looses a couple people (which it will every year) then someone has to fill those slots, no questions asked. All of us Tampa folk literally had to sign a paper during orientation stating that we agree to move to Orlando if we are told to. A huge stressor in an already stressful situation. If you are already in Orlando, of course you won't be moving anywhere. Crazy stuff.

And lastly, my favorite professor is there (I will leave her name out for privacy reasons). She is a tough son of a gun, but super knowledgeable and helpful, and a great person to have on your side. She goes out on a limb all the time to take care of her Orlando peeps.

Tampa is great, there is plenty of good things about the city and the clinical site, but you just need to weigh out all of the pros/cons.

Just my two cents, but something to think about...

I also got a call for the May interview group. I had everything submitted mid February and received my confirmation email early March. Best of luck everyone! I'm still far from this, but does anyone knw how much their deposit is to reserve a spot and when that's due by? Is it pretty quick after receiving an acceptance letter?

I'm not sure how long they give you to submit the deposit, but on their website it says the deposit is $1,000.

When you get the confirmation email for the interview, there's a link about the program. I think it says that the deposit of 1k is due within three weeks.

Any idea how much the head start program will cost?

990$ per credit hour

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