Baptist Hospital Scholars Program - Miami

U.S.A. Florida


Does anyone have information on this program? I applied and I will be having an interview with Baptist next week. I was just wondering who will be conducting the panel interview and what questions I can expect............

Any information on the program itself. How are the teachers, clinicals, etc.etc.

Any helpful hints for me if Im accepted.....................;)

Im a Miami Dade College student and I applied for the On-Site Scholar program at Baptist....

Thanks :hbsmiley:

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a rejection letter today and i was shocked. I couln't believe it. I have been crying the whole day kuz I really need and wanted this Scholarship. I have a two year old daughter, I have no money at all, I can't even afford a car so my UNEMPLOYED father drives me to school and doctors appointments. and I LIVE in Miami! I have lived next to Baptist Hospital my whole life, I was born there. I have researched the hospital back and forth and can name every year they won magnet excellence in Nursing. They know I wanted to be near my daughter while I was studying and now I have to go every day to ft.lauderdale which just takes extra time away from me being with her. I raised her, no one helped me. This is not fair. I was in the interview with people who recently changed there professions because they thought nursing will give them more money. who cares about the money? I DONT. I could care less about the money. All I want is to be a floor nurse in Baptist hospital and make the patients feel better about their situations. I have been in countless hospitals for an injury or cold, or pregnancy and 75% of the nurses made me feel horribel, were impatient, and did not act like they cared for my situation. I WANT TO CHANGE THAT! I didnt even choose to be a doctor kuz I feel like they dont have enough time to get to know the patients. I truly care! I've been there and want to be the one to help everyone that I can both physically and emotionally.And people complain about having to deal w/ the families of the patients. umm, duh! you have to treat the families w/ the ultimate respect because they are worried. they deserve to be talked to and treated well. I know that I would have been a perfect nurse at Baptist Hospital. I know countless doctors there that are friends of the family and one is my uncle. They all said I really deserved the scholarship and contract and to be near my daughter. My advice to people is to be firm in the interview, not nervous, and be prepared for everything you will say! I was not kuz I was about to cry kuz of how much I needed this. I was very nervous and soft spoken. Maybe they will give it to someone who actually has the money to afford their school, thats a waste of a scholarship. if you deserve it and truly need the help let them know.:crying2:


I can not imagine what you are going through... and i am sorry to hear about your rejection to the scholars program... i know its a highly competitive program and all i can say is that you did the best that you could... atleast you are in a nursing program and others have yet to hear from a nursing school. I know its hard out there and times are tough and there isnt anything that I can say that could console you or make this happen for you but you are not alone... others have also been rejected. Its just not fair, i know, but things happen and maybe later on you will see that everything worked out for the best. I hope that you could find some other aid and grants or maybe loans that can assist you... i hope it all works out for you at the end.. just take it easy and let it be for now... i know it must be hard... Im sorry again and wish you nothing but the best.... you will be a great nurse. Dont let this hurdle trample who you want to be and what you are going to be..... take it for what it is.


Im really sorry to hear about your letter to the Baptist Scholar program, you will see how everything is going to turn out okay for you, just keep doing what your doing and dont let these little things get the best of you because in the end of the day you are going to be a nurse.. a Great Nurse!

Think on the bright side.. at least you already got accepted to nursing school imagine all those mothers who have been struggling and probably have it harder than you that are still on a waiting list and dont even have the opportunity to go to school like you because they have yet to be accepted to a nursing program.. Consider yourself lucky =D you will see that everything is going to turn out fine.


My Baptist scholar interview is coming up soon....those of you who have sat through the interview already, DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE? Any information helps! How are the questions more or less? How long is the interview? Who did you get your letter of recommendations from? Thanks

Hey! I am in the program I did my interview last summer. I know exactly how you feel I was freaking out but basically what you should expect.... a lady comes out to get you- greet her by shaking her hand and introducing yourself. They walk you into a room- where the interviewers are just sitting already- my interview I had 4 ppl asking question my friend had 7- basically just greet them all. The first question they asked was why do I think I should be selected for the program? why i wanted to be a nurse? what being a nurse entails? they asked for 7 qualities of a nurse? what would i do if i knew that my coworker was doing something unethical? how would i react and fix it? They asked me what I have done in the past, that I would change? they asked to name them one of my proudest achievements? they asked if i rather be a leader or something else can't remember :/ - They asked me about 15 questions in total they are all questions to get to know you as a person, your work ethic, and to see how you respond to different situations. It wasn't that bad just make sure you think of different answers ahead of time so you don't stutter and blank out. For my interview some people had posted questions on this thread- so I just made sure I had answers already in my head in case they asked me the same one. The interview took about an hour or a little more. I was super nervous! Oh make sure at the end you say thank you and shake each one of their hands! I did :)

HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!!!!!!


This helps a ton! Thank you so much. So did you get the scholarship? I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again.

congrats acolo002! I have recently applied and hope to hear from them soon. let me know how it goes, just in case, so i can know what to expect.

Good Luck! :)

Thanks Maggy0906, did you apply to the nursing program for spring or did you apply for the scholar program?

I got accepted to the nursing program in fall at nova and just applied to the baptist scholars program. I hope to hear from them soon. I'm so nervous.

that makes two of us. Good luck! I will let you know as soon as I hear something

that makes two of us. Good luck! I will let you know as soon as I hear something

Are you already set up for an interview for Baptist?

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