Back up stethoscope?


Specializes in Fertility, OBGYN, GYN ONC.

I am starting school in a few weeks and I have all of my supplies, but a few people have suggested that I get a cheaper stethoscope to use primarily and/or as a back up. I have a littmann cardiology iv. I got one of the special colors and my name on it so it is a little expensive. I have heard stories of how stethoscopes tend to disappear at school and in the hospital. Because of this, others have suggested I get a cheaper littmann or mdf. What do y'all think? Is this something that I should invest in? I can afford it so money isn't a problem. I'm just trying to see the point of having two stethoscopes as a student.

No need to get a second one. Just keep your Littmann around your neck or in your pocket at all times. Don't set it on the counter. Don't let others borrow it. Don't keep in in your unlocked bag during lunch. Always keep it with you.

If you ever need a back-up in a pinch, most facilities have cheap disposable stethoscopes that are usually used for isolation rooms. Just check supply closets for one of those. Or ask your instructor if you can borrow his/hers for the day.

Do as the PP said - keep your steth on you at ALL times.

I have recurring ear infections so I outright tell folks that i won't loan mine out to them because of that; it's amazing how quickly they stop asking to use it after hearing that. ;D

Treat your steth as if it was your phone or wallet - don't leave it laying around where folks can grab it; if you don't like it around your neck, you can get a waist clip for it, or shove it in your pocket when it's not in use.

I had an expensive stethoscope and it survived 3.5 years of BSN + MSN. Put your name on it and be careful!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I wouldn't get a cheaper one, what would the point of having the more expensive one be if you don't use it. Just keep it on you.

As others have said, keep it with you at all times. The only time my stethoscope leaves my neck is if I'm using it, then it goes right back.

Specializes in Fertility, OBGYN, GYN ONC.

Thanks so much. I really don't want to get another so I plan on treating this like my baby (in need of constant supervision lol). I just wasn't sure if having a back up was a thing or not and I don't like making unnecessary purchases. I have the tubing engraved, but I might get a tag as well just to be safe.

Etsy has some amazing cuffs that can fit on the tubing; they're easy to put on, and you can always add a dab of superglue to it if you really wanna lock it in place. They're pretty cheap too, and don't look odd (I didn't like the way the name tags sat, plus the ones I'd seen could be removed pretty easily); I have one with my surname on it now, and I'll be changing it over when I get married so I don't have to worry about having an out of date engraving on my beloved littmann haha

I have a Littmann Classic III, a Littmann Cardiology IV (it's currently being shipped to me), and a MDF stethoscope. It is not necessary to have a backup, as hospitals have disposable stethoscopes that are used for isolation patients. At my hospital, there is a newer surgical progressive care unit that has bright orange Littmann Classic III stethoscopes affixed to the walls (with an extension cord, of course). Disposable stethoscopes are also used in our isolation rooms in other units.

You shouldn't worry about losing your stethoscope as long as you have it on your person at all times. It may be wise to have a label and/or other unique item on your stethoscope.

Specializes in Fertility, OBGYN, GYN ONC.

Livelovelaugh might I ask why you chose to have more than one? And even why you decided to have 3? Which do you plan to use more?

I should've elaborated (it's a long story)! I was gifted a Littmann Classic III, which has wonderful sound quality, but leaves something to be desired because I am hard of hearing. I can hear everything with the Classic III, but heart sounds are more muffled than I'd like them to be. Hence the reason why I began to consider purchasing the Cardiology IV. Luckily, my family is wonderful and they purchased it for me (total surprise).

I will use the Littmann Cardiology IV the most, as it has superior sound quality. The Classic III and MDF stethoscopes are my back-ups, which will be kept at home. My mother bought me the MDF at a yard sale, but it would be my last resort stethoscope, as the sound quality is poor compared to my Littmann Classic III.

In all honesty, I never intended to own three stethoscopes at once, it just happened. You should be fine with one, just remember to always keep it on your person. Littmann stethoscopes are hot stuff!

I start nursing school in a few weeks, so I haven't used the stethoscopes in a hospital setting yet-just on my family members and myself.

Specializes in Fertility, OBGYN, GYN ONC.

That makes sense. Good luck with school! :)

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