Published May 28, 2011
Poi Dog
1,134 Posts
apparently there is a rumor going around that i am a lesbian. a coworker mentioned this to me last night. it stems from the *fact* that i whenever i am asked about my personal life that i say, "i prefer not to talk about it." so some geniuses have concluded that i am a lesbian because of that.
why can't my coworkers just respect the fact that i do not like to share my life with them? i am disgusted but at the same time, i am considering the person who told me this. what was her reason to tell me this? is she trying to start something or see how i would react by sharing this with me. i probably disappointed her because i did not become histrionic. i just shrugged and said, "pssh, whatever."
i am not even to entertain these further. yes, i do not talk about my personal life because i work with like this who like to assume things. and whether or not i am a lesbian, which i am not, is malevolence and slanderous.
if you haven't already gathered, i dislike my work place aka the high school cafeteria.
58 Posts
Hmmm, even if you were it is not anyone elses business. Gee.
I also don't tell everyone all of my business. I do talk a little bit about my boyfriend and kids but try to stay professional at work...and not tell every detail of my life. Sorry you are going through that but you are there to earn money, don't let these childish people run you off.
KimberlyRN89, BSN, RN
1,641 Posts
I don't blame you for not sharing your personal life. All they(the gossiping co-workers) do is just spread your business when you're not around. Losers.
903 Posts
I can't share too many details (or risk losing my anonymity), but a few years ago, a coworker abused access to my personal information and used it to spread some pretty serious allegations about me (apparently I was involved in some "quite deplorable" activities ). I got to work one day, and everyone kept making strange comments to me, even the residents. I was so busy, though, that I didn't think much of it. Someone finally came up to me and started talking to me about all of it, but when they saw the puzzled look on my face, they explained what "happened" to me (as if it were factual rather than rumor). Let's just say that what they told me devastated me. And it was bad enough that coworkers were talking about it; the fact that MY RESIDENTS knew all about it just made me sick.
I was a mess for the rest of the shift, and by the time I got home, I had myself so worked up that I sobbed for hours. I had no idea what to do, was scared, and didn't know who to turn to (I was *so* sure I would need to preemptively hire an attorney because I *knew* I would be going to jail). Someone wise finally said something to me along the lines of "People like that only have the power over your life if you give that power to them" and told me to ignore what was being said. It was hard. Everything in me screamed that I needed to take action of some sort. In short, I went to work the next day, no one remembered it, and nobody has ever brought it up since.
I have no idea why I was so irrational that day. People have made up plenty of rumors about me before, but they were always so ridiculous that I could laugh them off. This time, it was different. I felt then (and even still today) completely trashy, stupid, and guillible for ever believing what was said about me. Looking back, there were such gaping holes in the story that a blind 1st grader could have spotted them (which says something about the intelligence of the person who started the "story" and partly about mine and everyone else's for believing it). People believe what they want to believe, whether it has a basis in reality or not.
If anything, it taught me who my true friends were. Those who jumped on the gossip bandwagon now get little more than a "hello" or "goodbye" from me; those who stood by proved to me how loyal and trustworthy they were. Ever since this occurred, I have tried to keep an even tighter seal on my personal life. The less I put out there, the less there is for people to twist around (but unfortunately, by then they usually make it up from scratch!).
I can't share too many details (or risk losing my anonymity), but a few years ago, a coworker abused access to my personal information and used it to spread some pretty serious allegations about me (apparently I was involved in some "quite deplorable" activities ). I got to work one day, and everyone kept making strange comments to me, even the residents. I was so busy, though, that I didn't think much of it. Someone finally came up to me and started talking to me about all of it, but when they saw the puzzled look on my face, they explained what "happened" to me (as if it were factual rather than rumor). Let's just say that what they told me devastated me. And it was bad enough that coworkers were talking about it; the fact that MY RESIDENTS knew all about it just made me sick.I was a mess for the rest of the shift, and by the time I got home, I had myself so worked up that I sobbed for hours. I had no idea what to do, was scared, and didn't know who to turn to (I was *so* sure I would need to preemptively hire an attorney because I *knew* I would be going to jail). Someone wise finally said something to me along the lines of "People like that only have the power over your life if you give that power to them" and told me to ignore what was being said. It was hard. Everything in me screamed that I needed to take action of some sort. In short, I went to work the next day, no one remembered it, and nobody has ever brought it up since.I have no idea why I was so irrational that day. People have made up plenty of rumors about me before, but they were always so ridiculous that I could laugh them off. This time, it was different. I felt then (and even still today) completely trashy, stupid, and guillible for ever believing what was said about me. Looking back, there were such gaping holes in the story that a blind 1st grader could have spotted them (which says something about the intelligence of the person who started the "story" and partly about mine and everyone else's for believing it). People believe what they want to believe, whether it has a basis in reality or not.If anything, it taught me who my true friends were. Those who jumped on the gossip bandwagon now get little more than a "hello" or "goodbye" from me; those who stood by proved to me how loyal and trustworthy they were. Ever since this occurred, I have tried to keep an even tighter seal on my personal life. The less I put out there, the less there is for people to twist around (but unfortunately, by then they usually make it up from scratch!).
I am sorry that you had to deal with idiocy.
Me too. :) The reason I posted it and the moral of the story is "Screw what other people say/think about you." I had a funny comment to add about your post but I don't know how to word it without making it sound completely derogatory so I've decided to keep my mouth shut.
Shoot me a PM
Hygiene Queen
2,232 Posts
I had the same thing happen to me.
I happened to walk into a room and hear two aides making the accusation.
They came to that conclusion because one knew I had never had a boyfriend (at that time... and I was only 18... big whoop!) and I, too, did not discuss my personal life.
I just stood at the door until they noticed me.
Boy, did they have egg on their face!
I never said a word about it.
Then there was the time the rumor went around I was anorexic and popping speed to loose weight.
Then there was the time me and a male coworker were supposed to be "getting it on" together... hmmmmm... sorry I missed that one!
Seriously, ignore it.
It's just stupidity and there is truth to the old saying, "least said, soonest mended."
Not everyone is your "friend" and while it's important to have a good working relationship with others, you don't have to be "BBF" with them.
I'm sorry you work with pitiful, petty and bored people!
127 Posts
I have slept with every male that works in my facility including the kitchen staff with acne on their faces, I am also an alcoholic that must buy my 4.0 gpa with the minimum wage job I work, I also recently lost weight so I snort cocaine. Some people have no lives! I have learned to laugh about it there is no reason to let them bother me.
interceptinglight, CNA
352 Posts
apparently there is a rumor going around that i am a lesbian. a coworker mentioned this to me last night. it stems from the *fact* that i whenever i am asked about my personal life that i say, "i prefer not to talk about it." so some geniuses have concluded that i am a lesbian because of that. why can't my coworkers just respect the fact that i do not like to share my life with them? i am disgusted but at the same time, i am considering the person who told me this. what was her reason to tell me this? is she trying to start something or see how i would react by sharing this with me. i probably disappointed her because i did not become histrionic. i just shrugged and said, "pssh, whatever." i am not even to entertain these further. yes, i do not talk about my personal life because i work with like this who like to assume things. and whether or not i am a lesbian, which i am not, is malevolence and slanderous. if you haven't already gathered, i dislike my work place aka the high school cafeteria.
we got awesomeness here, too. a lot of the ladies i work with love to sit around like a bunch of hens all cackling, and they love it when you share your personal dirt with them. if you do happen to share your dirt, they'll sit back and think "geez, she's creepy ain't she?".....if you are quiet and don't share your dirt they'll sit back and think "geez, she's unfriendly ain't she?"......if you tell them the reason you don't want to share your dirt they'll sit back and think "geez, she's a bee**otch ain't she?" most of the time i don't say nuthin'.
We got awesomeness here, too. A lot of the ladies I work with love to sit around like a bunch of hens all cackling, and they love it when you share your personal dirt with them. If you do happen to share your dirt, they'll sit back and think "geez, she's creepy ain't she?".....if you are quiet and don't share your dirt they'll sit back and think "geez, she's unfriendly ain't she?"......if you tell them the reason you don't want to share your dirt they'll sit back and think "geez, she's a bee**otch ain't she?" Most of the time I don't say nuthin'.
Can't win for nothin'
fuzzywuzzy, CNA
1,816 Posts
Wow... people I work with ***** about each other but there are not many rumors, and I don't think anyone has spread a rumor about me. I'm pretty sure they've discussed a problem I had with my boyfriend, but I DID tell everyone about it, lol.