Autism, mercury and cover up???

Specialties Disabilities


This is a hot topic in the autism community, especially amongst parents who have to make a decision about vaccinating their children. My son had already had all his vaccinations before I even heard of the controversy, so I didn't have to make the decision. I probably would have chosen to vaccinate anyway, given that when we were little, my sister contracted encephalitis from the measles and nearly died. It caused pretty significant neurological damage for her. The irony is that the vaccine actually was available at the time, but it was fairly new, and the pediatrician told my parents, who didn't have health insurance for us, that "kids get the measles all the time and do just fine."

Here's the video of RFK Jr. on the Daily Show:

And to the person that asks why aren't all kids getting it? Just like one other poster said not everyone that smokes gets cancer. All people are different. And, for some reason some children are more predisposed to this than others. A family hx of mental illness also predisposes.

it's believed that the reason some get it and some don't is because some are low in glutathione, which helps the body detoxify metals, etc. according to the cdc, 1 in 6 children have neurological disorders, so i think the mercury IS affecting lots of kids.

Re ethylmercury not being as harmful as methylmercury, recent data suggests ethylmercury/thimerosal deposits twice as much inorganic mercury in the brain of primates as compared to equal doses of methylmercury.

michelle, did you try chelation therapy? lots of parents are having great success with it. re risperdal; i take it and wanted to mention that it depletes the body of magnesium, which can cause permanent facial ticks and sleeping disorders. i started taking powdered magnesium and started sleeping through the night again.

Specializes in Geriatrics, DD, Peri-op.

Thanks for the tip on Mg, Barb. No, we have not tried chelation therapy yet. I am almost (a week) done with RN school. Everything has been on hold since Jan 2004 because of that. We will be moving to Bradenton Florida in a couple of weeks and that is when I plan on really trying to find out what is going on with my son and/or alternative treatments.

I hate to hijack this thread...

I have a seven year old that was recently dx autism/aspergers syndrome. When he was 5 he was dx add and did not respond to meds. I took him totally off meds, found an excellent tutor, and aggrevated my school to know end to get him into special ed. He could not function in a class with 21 other kids. I got sick of them calling and writing me notes that complained about his behavior at school. The set him beside a kid that cried all the time and it literally made him nuts. Instead of separating them the teacher told me she was going to force them to be friends because he had to learn to deal with people. what a mistake. The child also had a habit of poking him with his finger and setting him off. he would regularly climb under the table, cover his ears, and rock. I repeatedly told docs and school that he didn't like noises, or touch. My salvation was a new special ed teacher that requested they get Josh into her class. She was our greatest advocate. In May she showed us all where she had different special ed people observe him, and class work that showed he was on the mild side of autism not add. The school has prepared a revised class schedule for him next year that will include speech therapy to work with appropriate conversation skills, and beginning and ending sentences.

He is now a much happier student and best of all a HAPPY KID!!! :balloons:

I have a picture of him at 5months with a goofy carefree smile. I wish I knew then what I know now about6 IMMUNIZATIONS!!!!!


Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
I have a seven year old that was recently dx autism/aspergers syndrome. When he was 5 he was dx add and did not respond to meds. I took him totally off meds, found an excellent tutor, and aggrevated my school to know end to get him into special ed. He could not function in a class with 21 other kids. I got sick of them calling and writing me notes that complained about his behavior at school. The set him beside a kid that cried all the time and it literally made him nuts. Instead of separating them the teacher told me she was going to force them to be friends because he had to learn to deal with people. what a mistake. The child also had a habit of poking him with his finger and setting him off. he would regularly climb under the table, cover his ears, and rock. I repeatedly told docs and school that he didn't like noises, or touch. My salvation was a new special ed teacher that requested they get Josh into her class. She was our greatest advocate. In May she showed us all where she had different special ed people observe him, and class work that showed he was on the mild side of autism not add. The school has prepared a revised class schedule for him next year that will include speech therapy to work with appropriate conversation skills, and beginning and ending sentences.

He is now a much happier student and best of all a HAPPY KID!!! :balloons:

I have a picture of him at 5months with a goofy carefree smile. I wish I knew then what I know now about6 IMMUNIZATIONS!!!!!


What is so maddening is that even if your son did have ADD, it was still obviously impacting his ability to learn and would have qualified him for an IEP. What good did it do to send note after note home, if they had no intention of addressing the behavior with an intervention plan? What did they expect you to do, wave your magic wand and make his sensory processing difficulties to go away? They were the ones that dropped the ball, and if it took aggravating them to make them do what your son needed for them to do, then so be it. I hate to think of all the kids out who have parents that don't understand their children's rights or don't have the ability to advocate for them.:o


What you describe is almost identicle to my granddaughter at his age. I nevre did allow the school to do any testing. I don't trust them. They like to pin them with the Dx's that require the meds. If I could suggest one more thing its to have him tested for SID (Sensory Intergration Disorder) this is most likely why he cannot stand a big class. My grandduaghter did the same exact thing your son did. climb under tables, and cover her ears. This smacks of SID. The behaviors are usually caused when they go into a sensory overload. It sounds like he also needs OT for the sensory issues. I personally think that the kids that are being Dx with ADHD are really SID. You were smart to get him off the meds. Especailly if it was a stimulant. This makes them more

anxious. Do some research on SID and I am willing to bet you will be shocked at what you find. The good news is aspergers kids usually get better with time. They mature very slowly. Make sure he gets all the time he needs. If his behaviors increase in anyway look at the classroom very closely. These kids can't stand big classroom's even bright colors bother them, a lot of furniture, white noise. If you met my granddaughter today you would never know she ws on the spectrum. Thats the good news. You must be very careful that he gets the right environment to learn in too much stress will cause PTSD, and depression. They do not have this problem to begin with. Don't let them bulls_it you. The schools are the ones to cause this problem by forcing these kids to learn in environments they are not neurologically equipped to function in. They do get better control as time goes on. Get the test for SID. DON'T GO THE DRUG ROUTE. If he is having problems You can bet its the wrong IEP.


I have a seven year old that was recently dx autism/aspergers syndrome. When he was 5 he was dx add and did not respond to meds. I took him totally off meds, found an excellent tutor, and aggrevated my school to know end to get him into special ed. He could not function in a class with 21 other kids. I got sick of them calling and writing me notes that complained about his behavior at school. The set him beside a kid that cried all the time and it literally made him nuts. Instead of separating them the teacher told me she was going to force them to be friends because he had to learn to deal with people. what a mistake. The child also had a habit of poking him with his finger and setting him off. he would regularly climb under the table, cover his ears, and rock. I repeatedly told docs and school that he didn't like noises, or touch. My salvation was a new special ed teacher that requested they get Josh into her class. She was our greatest advocate. In May she showed us all where she had different special ed people observe him, and class work that showed he was on the mild side of autism not add. The school has prepared a revised class schedule for him next year that will include speech therapy to work with appropriate conversation skills, and beginning and ending sentences.

He is now a much happier student and best of all a HAPPY KID!!! :balloons:

I have a picture of him at 5months with a goofy carefree smile. I wish I knew then what I know now about6 IMMUNIZATIONS!!!!!


Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

A dx of sensory integration disorder might make it easier to get OT for your son. This is all a perfect illustration of why some states have passed laws making it illegal for teachers to recommend medication.

Thank you both for the sid information. My sons teacher was very glad to hear I had stopped his strattera in November, because she said it just backed her feelings that he was not add.


So true,

Some schools will Dx SID, but do not fully explain to parents the impact it has, or that OT can help with the disorder. Mainly becasue its more services=$$$$. Here is a tip. If any child that is Dx on the spectrum whether it be PDD/NOS. aspergers, etc you can bet there is a 99.9% chance they have SID. This also has a lot to do with the bi-polar Dx's. The child is fine and all of a sudden he/she erupts. Bologney, its more likely they have held it together for as long as they can and then wham they hit that point were they can no longer tolerate the stimulation. In my most honest opinion I feel it was my granddaughters SID that created most of the behavior problems. There is an incredible amount of information on how SID effects children. It encompasses almost every aspect of their life. It has a huge impact on how they function. This is why I say it must be addressed. I can remember being called to my granddaughters school becasue she detroyed the principals office. We are talking throwing the computer om the floor, tipping ove chairs. It was quite a scene. When I got there she was hiddiing under the desk holing like a dog. Very scary. As soon as she heard my voice she immediately calmed down. The school nurse said she had a psychotic break. What it really was, was flight or fight. She tried to get out of the school. When they grabbed her and brought her to the principal she proceeded to tear the room apart. The school psychologist told me my granddauhgter had a serious anxiety disorder. I remember saying I know, and you are the ones causing it. Why do you people continue to try to force a square peg into a round whole. It was after that, and refusing any medications they agreed on an out of district placement. Its costing her school district $65,000.00 a year to educate her. It was worth every penny. The speech therapy, the OT, PT and the small classrooml all paid off. Don't be bullied. The schools have an obligation to educate your child in the least restrictive environment. Too many parents want their kids mainstreamed at all costs. This is not always the best thing especially when they are very young. If anyone out there wants any advise on what kind of classroom they should get for their child please feel fee to email me privately.

[email protected]

A dx of sensory integration disorder might make it easier to get OT for your son. This is all a perfect illustration of why some states have passed laws making it illegal for teachers to recommend medication.
Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

I wanted to post this earlier and couldn't find it in my files. I must say, if I really do buy into a "conspiracy theory" of which I've been accused, I keep stellar company!

Washington, DC, May. 5 (UPI) -- A new study has found a possible link between higher mercury emissions and higher rates of autism. The study, accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Health and Place, looked for an association in Texas between rates of autism, special education services and levels of mercury released into the environment.

"There was a significant increase," according to the study. "On average, for each 1,000 pounds of environmentally released mercury, there was a 43 percent increase in the rate of special education services and a 61 percent increase in the rate of autism."

The Bush administration is announcing a new proposal to control mercury emissions that has already stirred controversy.

The study's lead author, Raymond F. Palmer, an associate professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, cautioned the findings are limited, but added they should prompt more research. The following is a transcript of an interview United Press International conducted with last March:

The whole article can be read at:

Wow! I thought I had read every study ever done regarding mercury and autism. I have never seen this one. My feeling is they will never admit the link between thimerisol and autisum until one or both of the following ahs happened. 1. Everyone involved in this coverup is dead, or 2. They pass laws protecting all involved, or both. After reading this story I am going to post a link to. The evil this government and their bed fellows could do will never surprise me. Read this artical called The House That Aids Built by Liam Schiff.


I wanted to post this earlier and couldn't find it in my files. I must say, if I really do buy into a "conspiracy theory" of which I've been accused, I keep stellar company!

Washington, DC, May. 5 (UPI) -- A new study has found a possible link between higher mercury emissions and higher rates of autism. The study, accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Health and Place, looked for an association in Texas between rates of autism, special education services and levels of mercury released into the environment.

"There was a significant increase," according to the study. "On average, for each 1,000 pounds of environmentally released mercury, there was a 43 percent increase in the rate of special education services and a 61 percent increase in the rate of autism."

The Bush administration is announcing a new proposal to control mercury emissions that has already stirred controversy.

The study's lead author, Raymond F. Palmer, an associate professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, cautioned the findings are limited, but added they should prompt more research. The following is a transcript of an interview United Press International conducted with last March:

The whole article can be read at:

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
Wow! I thought I had read every study ever done regarding mercury and autism. I have never seen this one. My feeling is they will never admit the link between thimerisol and autisum until one or both of the following ahs happened. 1. Everyone involved in this coverup is dead, or 2. They pass laws protecting all involved, or both. After reading this story I am going to post a link to. The evil this government and their bed fellows could do will never surprise me. Read this artical called The House That Aids Built by Liam Schiff.


There was a thread here about that. I'll see if I can find it. I don't remember the title, but since I participated, it will be on my subscribed threads list.

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

I did find the link, which I'm pming to Peggy. If anyone else would like it, please pm me. Thanks! MTP

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