Austin Community College (ACC) Admissions Fall 2014

U.S.A. Texas


Here we go, new thread for the people who weren't able to get in the Spring 2014.

Seems like every semester the number of people admitted to the course is dropping.

2013 Spring - Admitted 127

2013 Fall - Admitted 117

2014 Spring - Admitted 111

Couple of years ago they were admitting 160 students a semester, so this is a disturbing trend for us who are waiting to get in to the course.

I got my top choice at Eastview campus. Congrats to everyone who was accepted. Tomorrow the webpage should be updated and then we can get clarification on what the due dates are. The information is all scattered on the webpage and it makes it rather confusing to keep track of all the requirements. :/

I recommend making a time line or plugging the due dates into a calendar.

Hello all! Congrats on getting accepted! I just received my assignment for Round Rock (my 1st choice)! Any other people for Round Rock? I am a big study group person, and I know it really is a benefit in nursing school so looking for others in my area ( I actually live in N. Austin, not actually in RR)

Hello all! Congrats on getting accepted! I just received my assignment for Round Rock (my 1st choice)! Any other people for Round Rock? I am a big study group person, and I know it really is a benefit in nursing school so looking for others in my area ( I actually live in N. Austin, not actually in RR)

I also got Round Rock campus, my first choice and I live in North Austin (parmer/mopac area), but I'm moving back to Round Rock in August. I would love to study during the semester! I'm taking nursing skills this summer. Have you already taken it?

I am also going to be at Round Rock. I've never really been a big study group person but I'm sure I will be once the nursing classes start.

Good luck in your skills class, Whatevski!

Specializes in Tele, Interventional Pain Management, OR.

Congratulations to all who got accepted to the ACC nursing program!

I'm in Level 2 at CEC; any questions you guys have I will do my best to answer.

Definitely keep all deadlines and due dates handy in a place where you can see them regularly. Check the ADN website and Blackboard every day. The bulletin boards (split up by level and campus) are invaluable information sources when you're preparing to start each semester.

A word about study groups since it's come up in recent posts: they can be incredibly helpful in nursing school! And I say this as someone who NEVER participated in study groups when I got my English degree, or during my nursing pre-reqs. But nursing school is different. Just make sure to find a manageable number of study partners with a similar approach to tackling the material. Other students have a knack for grasping concepts and details that you may have missed.

The mobility program is only at Eastview. Round Rock would have been nice though, closer to me.

I am also at round rock, I've already completed skills but will need to brush up for that first check off!

I live at mopac/duval, so very close to you..for now! I am taking skills at cypress in the 2nd 6 weeks. I was originally scheduled for the 1st 6 weeks at RR but it got cancelled..ahh well, now that i have to worry about the check off I'm kind of happy i will be going straight from that class into the fall semester!

fearn1ek I'm excited that I'll be going straight into class from skills too. My email is [email protected] if you want to practice skills this summer.

Wow...those next steps are alot! I'm going to have to make a detailed schedule for myself!

There a a few people where I work that are already in the ACC program and I was asking them last night if they had any advice or words of wisdom, and almost all of them had the same one so I thought I would share it...

"buy a backpack with wheels" ...haha

as funny as it was they were dead serious, and with all the stuff we have to haul around all the time, I believe them! Just thought I would pass this along in case anyone had started school supply shopping yet!

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