Published Nov 22, 2005
7 Posts
We all seem to know one or two nurses who work overseas, but does anyone out there know of even one single Aussie nurse that has been successful in applying for work in the United States?
I do not know a single one! at first I though this was strange, but i was sure I would eventually bump into some one who knew just one, none so far.
My reason for locating one is to ask about the process to apply to work in the states. It appears the CGFNS, the regulatory exam, requires a pre-requisite of pediatrics, obstetrics and mental health theory and clinical hours before you are considered eligible for exam. I know of not one Australian nursing program that includes such a comprehensive range of subjectsa and clinical time built into an undergraduate degree. This on top of normal med/surg experiences.
There must be nurses out there who got around this problem and are now in the US working!
Please....anyone who knows just one successful applicant who is now working (or was working) in the US, please refer them to my thread.
Cheers all
Merry Christmas
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
I have worked with quite a few nurses from Oz in the US. Your curriculum is no different from that of the UK and there are also many from there as well.
CGFNS is not the regulatory board for working in the US. Each Board of Nrusing sets their own requirements for licensure. The US requires the generalist approach, not the specialist as you have in Australia and the UK. Even if you wished to work in Canada, you would need to go thru the same classes, as they require them also.
The only exam that you are required to take is the NCLEX-RN which is required of every single nurse to work, including graduates of US programs.
Unfortunately, you will need to complete the required clinical and theory hours in the missing two subjects. It is a requirement of US Immigration that you have a Visa Screen Certificate and it is required for that to have hours in all of the required areas. No way around it.
gwenith, BSN, RN
3,755 Posts
I know of at least two nurses that I have worked with who have successfully passed the requisites and are currently working in the USA. A coupld of people on this board have also talked about going over to the USA and they have had to undertake some additional courses.
6 Posts
You found one! I graduted from UWS in 2001.Moved to US went through the atrocious CGFNS and NCLEX application procces and have been working as a RN.I did not have to take any additional courses to apply.My main problem was CGFNS losing applications and transcripts.
Thankyou to Gwenith, Suzanne and Nita,
You guys don't know how hard it is to find info on this process. I have spoken to Visa reps, Nursing agencies, nursing lecturers. But you guys, in these short threads, have provided me with my first solid leads. No matter how much info you get from others it does not replace the knowledge that comes from nurses that actually have gone through the process.
Great....Nita, please tell me the pathway that you travelled to achieve you goal of working in the States.
I entered the world of nursing because I knew it was a international interchangable job, much the same as some one enters the job as a diplomat ( they know their placement is going to be abroad). I too, expect alot from my profession. I expect it to be readily interchangable overseas in many countries. I want to work and play in many places aound the globe, one of them being the States.
In addition, I have my heart set on one of the advanced nursing positions that exist in the States. If only Australia had CRNA positions I would a happy camper! But thats a dream for down the track. For now i must understand the process to get approval for work in the States.
So thanks again to all of you for being kind enough to answer my questions. You truly are an incredible source of info.
I would check over in the international forum Suzanne has put up so many links and information that it has almost become THE place to look for information on travelling to the USA.
:) :) :) Thank you. :) :) :)
I did nursing for the same i could work all over the world..just thought/expected 'licences' part would be easier.It took me about 13+ months from after filling in cgfns application to do the actual exam and about 4 month after to do my State board exam .
I moved to US within the week of getting done with Uni since my husband was here already but the process might have been smoother if I had contacted nursing lecturers in person while I was there.
The link below will hopefully help..I didnt have to apply for a visa since I had one through my hubby.But it looks like u will have to and depending on what state you want to work in you might have to do the cgfns nursing exam(I think for California u just need "Credentials Evaluation Service, Nursing and Science Course by Course" report and u just send that off to California Board of nursing)
About the clinical and theory hours..CGFNS send all the paperwork directly to the Uni for them to fill out..and I have no idea what my lecturers filled in.
Hi Nita,
Thanks for your valuable info. But don't go yet!!!!!!! You are the best source of info I have found yet, 'cos you have been there and done it!
The only other item of information I would really like to know is as follows:
did your original nursing program supply you with obstetrics, paediatrics and mental health theory and clinical rotations? I ask this very specific question because that is the most common reason many Australian nurses have trouble applying for US work, my program and many others programs do not have that 'generalist' coverage of subject areas. the Aussie programs appear to be more 'specialist', (well not really but thats a discussion for another day)
So for me, and others, we have to do 'make-up' courses before we are eligible to take CGFNS exams. We have to seek 'hard to find' courses that match the criteria - then we have to find a hospital that is willing to support the clinical experience - then we have to make sure the CGFNS approves the unique little educational experience we have customised for ourselves.
It appears to me that you have bypassed this 'extra' study and hassle, so I am extremely interested what your nursing program included. Which Uni was it?...full name?
Without confusing the issue, all I want to learn is if your undergrad nursing degree included maternity theory and clinical expereinces; paediatric theory and clinical experiences; and mental health theory and clinical experiences.
In addition, you mentioned that you "moved to US within the week of getting done with Uni since your husband was there already but the process might have been smoother if I had contacted nursing lecturers in person while I was there." Are you referring to nursing lecturers back in Oz to hasten the application process OR are you referring to nursing lecturers in the US who could have made the process easier?
Regardless, you have been very helpful Nita...thanks. I am really curious how you were able to go over the US without additional subjects. Hope to hear your reply soon!
cheers:coollook: :) :)
I went to Univeristy of Western Sydney-Hawkesbury Campus.From what I remember my nursing program included obstetrics, paediatrics and mental health theory and clinical rotations.
And I meant Nursing lect in aust..just cause cgfns send them the paperwork directly and u prob know how much work lect have would take em a while to send the paperwork back..and the paperwork got lost once so the poor lady had to redo the entire application.But thankfully the lect was very patient.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,764 Posts
Good luck. I worked with a nurse who did a 13-week assignment here. She was doing a series of 13 weeks assignments through an agency throughout the US, with a goal of traveling for 2 years or so. Just for the fun of it.
Good luck.
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
I work with an Aussie nurse. She had to take the US NCLEX and worked as a CNT for about 6 months before she was able to test. She passed and is doing just great!