Published Aug 11, 2006
1,237 Posts
Just thought it was time for a new thread here. Back to school soon, tourists will be leaving....ahhhhhh. The WeatherChannel has been highlighting Maine the last couple of days. Over 2 million visitors a year in Acadia .... and there are days that I feel I have MET EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!! Good for the businesses that rely on tourists to survive, but bad for me some days. Have ran into some incredibly RUDE people this year. Just want to tell them to "Go Home"! rant for the day.
Enjoy this beautiful weather!!
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
Good for the businesses that rely on tourists to survive, but bad for me some days. Have ran into some incredibly RUDE people this year. Just want to tell them to "Go Home"! rant for the day.Enjoy this beautiful weather!!
I know what you mean. I don't even consider going on a trip to Newport during the summer. But I do love Maine!!! (as you know)
Suzy....YOU are always welcome....come on up!! Bumper crop of blueberries this year....they are juicy!! Most rude people I've ran into have been from southern states....and that is unusual! Must be the weather:idea:
10 Posts
Thanks for reminding me of the things I missed this summer because of having to do my part to fill to open shifts, (can you sense the disgruntlement).
Really can't complain, August seems to be a little slower in the ED so I'm enjoying what's left before my own kids head back to school.
Hope all have a safe and fun remainder of the summer.
4,177 Posts
don't think of myself as rude
shocked speechless when i got the electric bill
anybody know cpr???
Hey chatsdale...think your electric is bad should try our oil this winter. Tempted to start sawing my house down for heat:angryfire . In the words of David Bryne and the Talking Heads i'll be "Burning down the House".
oh thank heavens we have a wood stove....I'd have to work 3 jobs to pay for the oil if we didn't!!