Atkin's Diet patients


Specializes in floor to ICU.

Anyone had any Atkin's Diet patients? We had a guy with astronomical triglycerides (3,000, I think) He ended up in the ICU for a few days with pancreatitis. Was wondering if anyone else had seen the same pattern?

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

WOW! I don't have any patients on that diet, in fact...I work in assisted living and they don't have a dietary department that is patient friendly I am afriad...they don't even have an ADA diet plan! We nurses are fighting for this big time...but loosing so far :(. Money speaks louder to the admin that nurses or resident pleas! :(

I don't know why, but I never trusted that adkins stuff...I told my friends to look into (with Doc recomendations of course) the ADA diet if they wanted to...safer, been around forever with lots of literature and how to's, and doesn't limit you so darn much as adkins does. So far anyone I knew that started the adkins diet didn't make it past month 3! If you can't easily follow a diet, it isn't very realistic for the vast majority (heck...ADA diet compliance is hard enough! LOL).

The Atkins diet is very dehydrating, constipating and hard on the kidneys. I don't understand why people feel it is necessary to diet at all. The best diet guide is the plain old food pyramid.

Even sadder than the case you described, is one of the patients where I work in LTC: a 48 yr. old woman who suffered a stroke from taking diet pills. She can't talk, can't sit up by herself, she eats through a tube...

Anyone had any Atkin's Diet patients? We had a guy with astronomical triglycerides (3,000, I think) He ended up in the ICU for a few days with pancreatitis. Was wondering if anyone else had seen the same pattern?

3000 !!!!

Wow. I think the highest total cholesterols I've heard of have been in the 600 range. Would such a high level of triglycerides have an effect on fluid balance because the blood would be thicker--or are they not osmotically active at all?


As for good diets: Dean Ornish, MD; John McDougall. MD MacDougall actually sells "just add water" meals that follow his program:

I had a classmate who had a total of 2600. Just happened we were at clinicals when her doctor found her and had her admitted ASAP. Keep in mind this was a 25ish 125-135# girl who really only had MAYBE 5-10 to lose.

I am only a student. In my adult health I class, the instructor insisted that people on the adkins diet would have blown kidneys at some point. That was really the only thing she highlighted on.

I would like to have a greater knowledge base on the effects of the adkins diet on people.

I had a classmate who had a total of 2600. Just happened we were at clinicals when her doctor found her and had her admitted ASAP. Keep in mind this was a 25ish 125-135# girl who really only had MAYBE 5-10 to lose.
I have familial hypercholesteremia, which, at various times, I have not medicated (my sister, at 57, I don't think ever has). (Maybe we should have one of those tests that does a refined check for the types of cholesterol--it's more than just a lipid panel--some of the "body scan" places will do the test). I think my total was running 300-400. I used to get paid by a company that was making home cholesterol devices--they would use my blood to test the "high end" readings. (The two guys I met who were getting paid for the "low end" readings were both marathoners--go figure!) :)


Specializes in LTC.

I did Atkins for a little while.My triglyerides were very low, total cholesterol went up a few points. Stopped it,love my carbs. I'm for cutting back on the carbs for myself personally,but Not as drastic as Atkins.

i have hi triglycerides, at one point in the 700 range now in the mid/low 300s -- i take zorcor use to take colesteral is down .,.. md said that the triglycerides were something to watch as a prediabetic condition...this number has not changed drasticly in kpast few years...i don't think that the pt in op condition was caused by atkins diet...but any diet that strongly curtails any part of a balanced diet will be hard to live with and can put a strain on body...if you are healthy a couple of weeks of an extreme diet may give you a boost in the right direction but this is your body that will be carrying you around for the rest of your previously posted the diabetic diet with exchanges and wholesome nutrition is probably something that you can adapt to for the rest of your life

My preceptor tried Atkins. I can't understand why anyone would purposely put themselves into ketoacidosis no matter how much weight they had to lose (and I need to lose more than a few myself). She was having increasing SOB. One night it became so severe that she had her husband take her to our ER (and you know a nurse doesn't like doing that!). Her kidneys were not happy campers. She was treated with aggressive diuretic therapy and diuresed 25 pounds worth of fluid in just three days! Shortly after, we were given an information sheet on the effects of the Atkins diet to give to any of our patients who might be doing it. She's doing her own version of a diet put together from the Canadian Diabetes Association and the G.I. Diet (Glycemic Index). She put it together with the advice of her doc and a dietician to guard against a negative impact on her kidneys. She's doing great with this - think she's lost a little over 30 pounds now and looking wonderful, but more importantly, FEELING wonderful. Wish I had that kind of self-discipline! Nothing like a little kidney failure to get you to stop a fad diet though!

my preceptor tried atkins. i can't understand why anyone would purposely put themselves into ketoacidosis no matter how much weight they had to lose

i'm sorry to hear about your preceptors problems. :(

my sister has been doing atkins for a year and her cholesterol is magnificent. she doesn't spend alot of time eating fatty meats. she eats lean cuts of meat & plenty of veggies.

also, the body goes into ketosis, not ketoacidosis. that is something totally different.

take care & best wishes to your colleague.

also, the body goes into ketosis, not ketoacidosis.

oops - thanks kaelie! :rolleyes: know how your tongue sometimes doesn't say exactly what your brain is telling it to? apparently that can also happen with fingers on the keyboard!

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