ASU 2016 Applicants - Which Cohort?


Hey everyone,

I am applying by the Feb. 1st deadline for the cohorts beginning summer/fall this year (2016). I take the TEAS in a week, so I'm all sorts of nervous, but I'm having trouble deciding how to rank my preference of cohorts on my application. I'm debating on whether or not to put the regular downtown cohort as my number 1, or the Mayo cohort as number 1. VA would be my third, and the summer program would be my fourth.

I'm really torn. I've heard great things about Mayo, and it would be amazing to work there after I'm done with school, but I feel like you lose out on the "college experience", as well as a variety of clinicals. I'd just be happy to be accepted into the program, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to get advice/opinions from others in my situation!

Thanks :)

Goodluck! I am currently in the program! If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them for you!

Much appreciated! Which cohort are you in? What do you like/not like about it? Any tips/recommendations for me?

I just started last week! I like everything so far, I would just say I wish the assignments were organized better on blackboard. A tip would be to study your butt off for the Teas!and also try to meet people also applying because it helps keep you sane while waiting for the acceptance or denial emails!

Oh, that's exciting! Congrats on getting in. Are you in the traditional downtown cohort? I definitely will. Haha I'm already going insane just thinking about it. If you don't mind me asking, what was your select GPA and TEAS score?

Yes I'm traditional downtown! My GPA was a 3.72 and my TEAS was an 84.

That's what I think I'm leaning towards. That's a pretty good score. I somehow ended up with a 3.88 GPA, but I'm really, really nervous for the TEAS. I took a practice test and got a 70% :/

That's a good GPA! I still had like 3 classes to do! But everybody does bad on the practice tests! Just do practice what you think will be hardest for you! I practiced math a lot because I'm not the good at math and it was my highest score!

slsimps4 Hey! Just my two-cents... don't worry too much about your practice test score on the TEAS. Definitely keep practicing the areas that are giving you the most trouble, cuz every topic in the ATI manual will be on the TEAS to some extent. But I scored significantly better on the exam than I did on any of the practice tests, and I've read MANY other people chime in with the same experience. Several of them scored up to 12% higher on the actual exam. Congrats on killing it with your GPA and good luck on the TEAS! You'll do great :)

Hi Slsimps4!

I'm also applying for the Fall 2016 program and am in the same boat as you. :) I know Mayo is such a wonderful choice, but I really like the idea of downtown. I feel there will be more of a broad spectrum of cases in clinicals, as well as the college experience like you said.

Regarding the TEAS, I took it in August and spent about 4 weeks studying for it over the summer. When I took the practice test, I had around a 65-70% (can't remember) but when I took the actual TEAS I had a 86.7%. The practice test is DEFINATELY harder than the real one. I agree. You'll do great!! :)

On another note, I have a question for you all. I had every recommended vaccination as a child, yet I had a negative titer for two of them...Varicella and hep B. I was barely positive for another one as well (can't remember which). Anyone else have this issue?? I'm just curious... :)

I can't wait until we find out if we're accepted. =D I hope more people join this thread or I think I'm going to go crazy waiting...

Specializes in L&D, Trauma, Ortho, Med/Surg.
On another note, I have a question for you all. I had every recommended vaccination as a child, yet I had a negative titer for two of them...Varicella and hep B. I was barely positive for another one as well (can't remember which). Anyone else have this issue?? I'm just curious... :).

Aw, man, that is cruddy news. I am not a vaccine loving person, myself. I am very much - stay away from pharmaceuticals if and when I can (not starting a vaccine war by any means!) type person. I haven't had my titers done yet. I also had all my childhood vaccines, except I had chicken pox, and I had a titer a few years ago when my kids had chicken pox, so I imagine my immunity is fine there. If you had a the varicella vaccine, then it is very common to have to have it again. Measles sometimes wanes but statistics say its 20-30 years before that happens. Funny thing about vaccines is, we're taught they are good as gold, however, they aren't. Unless you had a titer after having the vaccine, you have no idea if you even acquired immunity from it. Not everyone does (remember the Disney measles outbreak?). Some people become immune after one shot, some don't, which is why MMR started out as one shot, and is now a series. You could be immune after one, or two, or maybe it'll take three. Or maybe three doens't work either. They just consider you "done" when you have three - but it doesn't necessarily mean you've ever been immune. Kind of a crazy system if you ask me. They want the healthcare workers to be vaccinated, but they don't even check titers - as long as you have the vaccine, they consider you immune. Anyway, I didn't mean to get on a soapbox...haha. All that to say, all adults are supposed to have boosters - most just don't. You'll have to vaccinate again (which I'm sure you know.) GL!


Yeah, math is definitely my weakest also. Thanks for the tips :)

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