Published May 2, 2012
1 Post
I've searched the forums and have seen peoples' perspectives on this in the past, but I'd like to know what people think of these two programs and getting a job in Boston with either an ASN or BSN.
I'm in the process of figuring out where I want to return to school in the fall. I'm a transfer student, but only have two years from art school, so I'm basically starting all over.
Because of this, I couldn't apply to transfer into Worcester State University's nursing department now (for the BSN) because I don't have the necessary pre-reqs. Instead, I applied to the psychology department, for now, because I want to be a psych nurse. The school accepts some people transferring into the nursing program from within the school, so my plan is to apply into it after I take the pre-reqs my first year there. However, I've talked to a few people in admissions and the head of nursing, and keep getting different answers on the likelihood of actually getting into the program. Admissions in general, which has nothing to do with the decision on getting into the nursing department, is telling me "not to count on it." The head of nursing is making it sound more plausible. She's the one who's responsible for who gets in, so I'm inclined to believe her. I'm just waiting to hear more from here.
Anyone know anything about how to get in as an internal transfer? What do I need to do to make a strong application to improve my chances of being accepted into it? Is it based on space or credentials? What's the likelihood of getting in? I'm waiting to hear back from the head of nursing, but any opinions in the meantime would be wonderful.
If the head of nursing there tells me that admissions are based on space, then I'm thinking of possibly going to Quinsigamond Community College and getting an ASN in nursing instead. However, I do not want to do that if I won't be able to get a job in Boston with that degree. Is it possible to get a nursing job in Boston as a nurse with just the ASN (with the RN of course)?? What are the job prospects like out there, in general? I'm assuming it's competitive.
I can't go into much more debt for school, and I really need a good job to pay it all back, so that's a huge factor. I don't think I could afford transferring to a private school after my first year at WSU, if transferring into the nursing department doesn't work. So, I'm not sure what to do, if I go to WSU and then don't get into the nursing program after my first year. Should I totally kick butt in my first year at WSU and prove that I'm cut out for the nursing program (because I KNOW I am), or should I go for the sure thing and go with the ASN... but then I don't know if I could find a good enough job with that :/
Advice, please?
517 Posts
Is it possible to get a nursing job in Boston as a nurse with just the ASN (with the RN of course)?? What are the job prospects like out there, in general? I'm assuming it's competitive.Advice, please?
I'm a nurse with an ASN (and a BS in another field) and I would strongly suggest you go for the BSN if at all possible. I chose to get an ASN for a variety of reasons: need to work full-time, cost of the program, and ability to do it part-time. However, the job prospects as an ASN grad are extremely limited. Many of those in my class did get jobs, either through previous networking or at nursing homes or clinics. I know only a handful who got jobs in hospitals and all of them had connections. However, it's also very difficult for BSN new grads - I work with one in my current job at a nursing home. I honestly think you should make yourself as marketable as possible and being a BSN grad will help you with that.
I had thought that once obtaining my ASN I'd do an RN to BSN program, but while working as a nurse, it's a LOT more difficult than I anticipated. Nursing is a very hard profession to work at while going to school!
2 Articles; 5,582 Posts
If you want to work in a major Boston hospital as a new grad you will need at least a BSN.
163 Posts
I am a BSN but I'm just not getting it. Working as a staff nurse in a hospital there is no difference between the skill levels of a ASN or BSN. Moving up into management, yes I see a difference. The sad part is that BSN staff nurses don't make anymore than ASN level staff nurses. Seems the hospitals want their cake and eat it too. I spent to much on my BSN to not increase my wages.
165 Posts
Hi there - I was in your exact position 1 year ago. Was thisclose to going to a Massachusetts community college for just the ADN/RN, when a friend who works at MGH said "wait, you're not in a BSN program??". I hadn't known that the job market for new grads (let alone experienced RN's) is horrible in Boston. You will be competing with BSN new grads from Simmons, Boston College, Curry, MCPHS, Northeastern, UMass Boston, MGH Institute...the list goes on. My best advice to you is to go for the full BSN and work as a CNA as soon as you can (after you complete fundamentals and med surg I). I would not attend an accelerated program. I'm not sure why Worcester State is vague about allowing transfers - at UMB tons of people have transferred in to the BSN. I agree that tuition $ is a factor, but recall that many hospitals qualify for federal loan repayment for nurses (google disproportionate share hospitals and HRSA). Be as flexible as possible about which BSN program to attend - and definitely work as a CNA! If you truly want to be a nurse, that will shine through on your transfer applications. Best of luck to you!
Chris Caulfield RN NP-C
101 Posts
I got my ADN at night, while working full time in biotech during the day. After graduation, I got a job at a nursing home about 15 minutes North of boston. After 8 months moved into a LTAC hospital in Boston, and now have been working there for about 6 months. So I have been a employed RN for about 1 1/2 years now... as a ADN, and am doing the BSN/MSN route online for much cheaper than the big named schools in Boston. In the long run.. I am saving thousands... and will get the same degree, but just have more experience than someone who comes out fresh as a BSN.
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
If you want to get a job at one of the big teaching hospitals in Boston as a new grad, you will need a BSN. If you're willing to work at a community hospital or LTC as a new grad to gain experience, the ADN may be sufficient.