Asking offer letter of another hospital


Hello everyone,

My good friend of mine got lucky and landed two job offers from two different hospitals. Hospital A offered a more competitive salary and relocation assistance while hospital B offered a lower salary with no relo assistance but the convenience of proximity to his future home (he'll be living with us and the travel is only 2 mins away from this hospital) and knowing already someone working there.

He wanted to take Hospital B and bargained if they could match the offer of Hospital A. But in an email by the director of Hospital B, they are asking him to forward them Hospital A's offer letter for consideration of his request.

We have never experienced this before. Has any of your had this similar instance? What are your thoughts on this? Thank you. :)

Thoughts on Hospital B asking for a copy of the offer letter from Hospital A? If Hospital B is actually considering his salary request, I can understand why they are asking for this. If you were involved in negotiations with someone and considering accepting their counter offer, wouldn't you want to accuracy of their claims before making a final decision?

Best wishes to you and your friend?

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Not at all uncommon. Forward the offer letter.

I don't understand the hesitation. I would send it without hesitation. I don't think they will match it 100%.

However I do believe they will increase their offer.

Thank you all for your response. He got everything all sorted out. And yeah, the hospital didn't match the other's offer but the convenience getting to and from work matters more for him.

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