Published Oct 14, 2011
willowita, ADN, RN
517 Posts
I have no criminal record but I am politically active and I'm wondering if an arrest made at a protest or something along those lines would be an automatic out for nursing school. I'm not planning on getting arrested but there are some protests coming up that I wanted to attend but have not committed to just in case.
Any thoughts?
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
No way to know if an arrest/conviction would be automatic "out" for a nursing program but would definitely be an issue with the BON regarding licensure.
Think long and hard and make wise deccisions about things that you have control over now that potentially could affect your future.
667 Posts
Hi willowita,
We have no way of knowing. The only thing for sure is that what a school finds acceptable may not be acceptable to your state board. A nursing school may accept you *if* you do end up with an arrest but the board of nursing may end of disagreeing and deny you licensure.
Even if one were to be unjustly arrested, the mere fact that there is a documented arrest will sour most employers' opinions. There are thousands of nursing candidates out there with impeccable records. From their perspective, there is little to gain in employing a new grad with a record over those without.
The best course of action is to weigh your options. Is nursing worth laying low from political activism for a while? Only you can decide what is closest to your heart.
Good luck!
MN-Nurse, ASN, RN
1,398 Posts
I have no criminal record but I am politically active and I'm wondering if an arrest made at a protest or something along those lines would be an automatic out for nursing school. I'm not planning on getting arrested but there are some protests coming up that I wanted to attend but have not committed to just in case.Any thoughts?
Plenty of people protest without getting arrested. Be one.
xtxrn, ASN, RN
4,267 Posts
I've only seen "Have you been convicted of a felony?" on an application. Background checks are done - as are fingerprints, but if it's a misdemeanor, and not something that involved harm to someone or drugs (though many states have drug rehab programs that are mostly meetings and checking in as required- so you can KEEP a license).
Check the requirements for your state :)
54 Posts
You can go to school with that on your record. The state board's website probably says what is and is not acceptable. I've had to look this up for myself. You can also get a copy of your rap sheet and just see what it says. Maybe google for hospital applications to see what they ask.
94 Posts
I don't know about nursing schools, but now days alot of places ask if you've ever commited ANY crime.
Thanks everyone for your comments. You've given me a lot to think about.
Eagle2110, ASN, BSN, APRN
113 Posts
The nursing schools I applied to will deny you for a FELONY. HOWEVER, they also state that if you have a conviction of any other kind that a clinical site frowns upon then you'll also be ineligible. Make sure your program doesn't state the same.
35 Posts
Many nursing schools will let you apply and may even let you in, but where I live, all of our info. is given to the clinical sites and they get veto power to say "such-n-such student is not allowed in our facility." If you cannot get clinicals done, obviously you cannot complete the degree requirements. I agree with the previous poster who suggested you NOT get arrested.