I am in the process of joining the reserves as a critical care nurse. At 44 years of age and 23 years of critical care experience I have finally decided to do what I wanted to do when I first graduated nursing school. I do not have my bsn but will work on it once I join. One doctor I talked to recently told me horror stories of being an army nurse. Is it so much different than working at a regional hospital or city hospital? (I am currently at two regional hospitals working with cardio-thoracic surgery and other general icu patients at the other hospital ie vent care, neuro disorderes, sepsis etc. I hate to say this but he really discouraged me from joining on a number of reasons. But, he was a military M.D. in the approx years of mid 1970's to 1980's. (I am guessing by his experience for he is about my age or slightly older). So, can anyone please tell me what it is really like!! I have already contacted a recruiter and have all the info and paperwork to enlist. This is the last thing holding me back. Thank you!!
p.s. I did not want to talk to my recruiter about this due to a biased opinion.