Published Jun 23, 2015
27 Posts
Can someone please the RN renewal process to me for the state of Arizona. From the AZ Board of Nursing I have learned and been told the following:
To renew your RN license one must meet the following requirements within 5 years...
1. work 960 hours.
2. obtain a higher nursing degree.
3. taken a RN refresher course.
Here is my situation:
I graduated in December 2012 and obtained my RN license in January 2012. My RN license expires in April 2016.
I worked briefly after obtaining my RN license, but was let go when the census (skilled nursing facility) dropped, so I was let go. I only have about 100 hours of RN nursing.
Because of my father's recent death (I have to travel back to handle the estate), I doubt very much that I will reach my 960 hours before April 2016.
Since the above requirements state that I have to do one of the 3 items within 5 years, what happens when my license expires in April 2016? Can I still work and be able to attain the 960 hours after April 2016 (from April 2016 to December 2016) so that I can renew my license? Or must I have to take a RN refresher course after April 2016, but before December 2016 (5 years since I graduate)?
I have five years to meet the requirements, but my license is only good for 4 years. That is confusing me. Can anyone please explain this to me?
Thank you,
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Have you contacted the AZ BoN?
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
OP, wouldn't it make far more sense to just call the AZ BoN and ask them directly? From anonymous people on the internet you might get out of date information.....incorrect information.....and you cannot then go to the BoN and say "but someone I don't know told me this on a message board!"
Please call them. They will help :)
I have read their website, but I should call them too...thank you and I will contact them.
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,980 Posts
Your best bet is to seek clarification from the AZ BON. That will ensure you get accurate, up to date information rather than what could be incorrect or outdated information on an anonymous website that is not affiliated with the AZ (or any) BON.
Thank you...I will contact the AZ BON...just hoping someone could explain it better to me than what their website shows. Thank you.
17 Articles; 45,841 Posts
Threads merged.
356 Posts
OP, are you in Arizona? If at all possible, visit the office. I was given the wrong application (endorsement instead of renewal) even though I had explained that I'm an active nurse in another state. It can get very confusing. You can request to call or email either the endorsement or renewal tech at AZBON. Make sure they understand your situation and give you the correct application/instructions.
Thank you
1 Post
What did the BoN tell you? I'm curious. I'm in a similar situation.