Are Quick Results available on Saturdays?


I took my exam on Thursday at 11am and I was wondering if any of ya'll know if the Quick Results will be available TOMORROW or Monday. I know that they say 2 BUSINESS days, but I saw a post where someone said that it's computerized and may be posted over the weekend. Any input will help!! I don't know if I can wait until Monday to find out!!!!!!!!!

Specializes in CTICU.

Yes i got mine on a saturday

yes they do it on saturdays

Thanks, guys!!! Be thinking of me around noon EST!!!! Pray for me to pass--and if not, pray for my sanity!

All the best with your results! Yes, they do post results on Saturday. When I took the boards, I took them on a Thursday and found out Saturday afternoon.

I just took my test today (saturday), when do you guys think I will be able to get my quick results? Please say Monday!

I would venture to guess Monday or Tuesday... How was your exam? Good luck!!!

I just took my test today (saturday), when do you guys think I will be able to get my quick results? Please say Monday!

You will get your results on Monday if your state participates in quick results.

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