Are you a member of the NSNA?


I am curious as to how many of us are members of the national student nurses assiocation? Also if any of us hold a position either on the national, state, or school level? and lastly, WHo is going to the Conference in TN. sometime in March?

So I will go first......

I am the Breakthrough to nursing chair for my schools chapter. I am basically in charge of recruiting and retaining new members, focusing mostly on minorities including males and single parents.

I have been to three conferences including, Kansas city, phoenix and most recently, new Orleans. I have learned from and enjoyed every single one of them.

Pearl :)

No, not yet, but I would love to be. Maybe if I get accepted in the fall, I can.

When I was a LPN student, I belonged to the NFLPN, but I didn't see anything that really kept my interest. Didn't get anything from it, unfortunately.:o

Specializes in OB, lactation.

I am a member of our school's chapter but not national. Some of our officers may be going to TN, not sure. I know that they won some awards at our state conference. :)

I have intentions on joining the NSNA. I know that they are a great organization and host many scholarships for student nurses.


Specializes in ER, ICU, Nurse Manager.

I am the Legislative Director for my school's chapter, but that may be changing due to us losing some of our board members this past semester. I do belong to NSNA and I went to our state convention in Augusta, GA in Oct. I plan on going to Nashville in March.

I plan on joining once I officially am accepted into the program and start the nursing classes.

Yes, I'm a member. I attended the convention in New Orleans. I was the school president, but I just graduated! I went to a state convention in Feb. 2003 also. I thought the conventions were the best part of being a member!

I totally agree with you nekhismom....i think that when members do not go to the conventions...there really isnt too much to gain. The conventions have been awesome for me...I took the NCLEX mini review two times already and i can say that it really helped me with my tests throughout nursing school. I will be taking it again in March, as i graduate in May.


Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

I have the job of "reviving" our nursing school's chapter of NSNA. I'm afraid the flicker that was there this year has totally gone out. Too busy right now to put a whole lot of energy into it, but will try to jump start it in the fall. Do you think this is a worthwhile organization to have with everybody's already crazy schedules? (I'm a relatively new instructor, so I would apprecite your input.) Any ideas on reviving a dead chapter?

Specializes in NICU- now learning OR!.

I am not a member - and from the website - I'm not sure I want to be one.....

Anyone who is a member, can you post REAL reasons WHY I should join and/or any REAL benefits to joining??

So far from what I have read on the site, it will look good on a resume, and I get small discounts here and there on stuff. If they want new recruits, they don't make it look very good online!


I'm a member. Undecided on whether or not I'm going to the conference; depends on finances.

Originally posted by VickyRN

I have the job of "reviving" our nursing school's chapter of NSNA. I'm afraid the flicker that was there this year has totally gone out. Too busy right now to put a whole lot of energy into it, but will try to jump start it in the fall. Do you think this is a worthwhile organization to have with everybody's already crazy schedules? (I'm a relatively new instructor, so I would apprecite your input.) Any ideas on reviving a dead chapter?

VIcky, I don't know what to tell you! I tried the same thing with my chapter this semester, and due to many personal issues, I didn't have a lot of success! I do think it is worthwhile, though, even with the schedule. IT just takes a lot of creative scheduling to get it together, and a lot of cooperation from instructors to let their students attend meetings that are scheduled during class time. One thing I can suggest is to offer to pay for the registration and possibly hotel stay for conferences for members of your local chapter and the NSNA. THat was successful for us. We did several fund raisers, and lots of people went to the state convention for free, and we even had some spending money. Since I was the president, I went to the NSNA convention in New Orleans free along with the school's VP. We had fun and learned a lot. THe conferences are a great way to network, look into jobs, schools and new products, and just to get away from all the hard work of nursing school for a little while! The conventions are the best part, so offering to allow people to attend and getting them involved in fund raising activities can go a long way to boost participation. Oh, BTW, we had to give a quick report about the convention to the other members in our school. GOt LOADS of positive feedback about attending a future conference!

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