Are you kidding me?!


Every semester I get a nursing student to follow me for 6 weeks as a peds clinical. I have this student and he is smart but he interrupts me a lot when I am talking(not the issue). The students have to have a teaching project and I have them do a teaching project with the kindergarten students and the subject was hand washing. Very simple right? Today he comes in and said, "So we are winging it today right?" and did not prepare anything for the project. I told him this is his responsibility and that this is his teaching project. I feel like Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids "ARE YOU *bleeping* KIDDING ME?!"

I sure hope you are planning on reporting this to his instructor. C'mon guy step it up! Simple project

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Sounds like a real go getter!! The future of nursing. I feel better already. I quit having nursing student for just one day, I couldn't imagine having one for 6 weeks!!!!!

I emailed my supervisor cause I do not have the instructors number. I know the last week was hell for him because his mom had a medical emergency but still. Before I came to school he asked the secretary to print up a handout for the students. COME ON

That's ridiculous!!!

And call me a big meany, but I stopped having RN students here when:

*One student sat with her phone and had an argument with her boyfriend by text x3 hours. She also arrived late to "clinical" because she overslept.

*The instructor berated another student for a bad test grade right in front of me. That should have been done privately.


Woah, that's crazy. I'm assuming you'll get to evaluate him at the end of the 6 weeks. When I did my public health rotation, I was in a middle school and did a lesson on the 5-2-1-almost none to about 25 7th graders. For some reason we needed up talking about kidneys and their functions (I honestly don't remember how...).

I can't imagine have a nursing student in my current role. But, when I did my clinical it was great, and I didn't really have down time for winging things or fighting with my boyfriend for 3 hours. I hope those of you who are able, get some good nursing students!

No more students here either!! The last one informed me she was her to observe only, then she settled into a chair and observed her cell phone the whole day! Supposed to have college students volunteering in our building next month, any nursing majors that want to hang out in the clinic will be put to!!

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