Published Feb 25, 2005
Hi there i was wondering if there are any hca,s out there. My name is angie and i work on a under 65 rehab ward. I work within a MDT which works very well. I would love to hear from any others and swop stories
12 Posts
becks, does where you are going have 2 intakes? my uni has a september and january intake, so if you are too late you dont have to wait a whole year. with being seconded how many shifts do you have to 'pay back' ?
Hi there i am having second thoughts now not really sure if i want to do it on the ward that i am on. Ithink maybe i am just fed up at the moment with all the horrible shifts that i keep getting. If i do decide to go for it, it will be in september. I have just passed my NVQ assessors course so i might even give that a try. Monday to friday will suit me fine now. Take care
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
You must not give up you must go for it!!!!!! Never say never :)
I too am fed up but more for being a sounding board and dunno if I wanna carry on with all the s**t
433 Posts
Oy, You must not give up you must go for it!!!!!! Never say never :) I too am fed up but more for being a sounding board and dunno if I wanna carry on with all the s**t :rotfl:
hi Kay
Dont give up being a midwife.u gave me some sound advice when i was pregnant. my daughter is nearly 8 weeks old its gone quick. Thanks to you and others on here i had peace of mind during my pregnancy. Thanks. You are a good midwife and i know all the s**t you get as i do too as a peads nurse. Take care now. xx
hi KayDont give up being a midwife.u gave me some sound advice when i was pregnant. my daughter is nearly 8 weeks old its gone quick. Thanks to you and others on here i had peace of mind during my pregnancy. Thanks. You are a good midwife and i know all the s**t you get as i do too as a peads nurse. Take care now. xx
Welcome back cant believe it is 8 weeks since you had your little one!!!
Too late for me as a midwife i gave that up last year because I couldn't and wouldn't put up with the politics. I was a good midwife but I felt the trust i worked for put womans's saftey at risk by the shortage of staff, unwillingness to provide agency staff, pay overtime or even give midwives time back when we worked all hours to keep service going, we were constantly told we were overspent and that we had to cut down. This affected my health because I was constantly worrying about my women, so I took year out, and do you know what things are still the same and I can't risk my health or family life to go back. not a cop out as it may sound but saving my sanity!!!
7 Posts
Whats happening to our NHS? Its still something that I strongly believe in, but I hear it from nurses all the time that patient care is being compromised for the sake of budgets and reaching targets & trusts not looking after their staff.
1,049 Posts
the NHS is target driven cos thats the way the goverment has made it. you only have to look at the GP contract to see that! now when a patient comes in we ask about their smoking status, check their BP.. and then just maybe we have time to ask why they've actually come to see us!! strange eh? the smoking thing is funny- we are measured on a 6 week quit rate yet most of the research says 12 wks is a better time span to work with... so I may be evidence driven but the powers that be arent!!
ok getting off soap box !
How true, isn't it sad.