Are handguns allowed at work?

Nurses Professionalism


I witnessed a nurse employed at our hospital showing a handgun she keeps in her locker to several reps Who were visiting in our department.

I am a little concerned and was wondering what the policy is on guns inside the hospital facility in the state of Mississippi. Can anyone advise me on what to do?

Specializes in Gerontology RN-BC and FNP MSN student.

Why would someone be showing reps their hand gun?

That makes no sense whatsoever....

Specializes in Home Health (PDN), Camp Nursing.

This is a workplace specific policy. Not a nursing specific, or related to BON regulations. Refer to your employee handbook.

Why would someone be showing reps their hand gun?

That makes no sense whatsoever....

I wouldn't think that was allowed. Why can't they leave it in their car? Do they have a CHL? I honestly would talk to someone about that, but that's just me.

Why are you concerned? You're in TEXAS!

Your facility has a policy regarding weapons. Read it.

If the nurse has a concealed pistol license, the issue could get complicated.

As for me, wherever I weapon goes. I am smart enough to ... keep it concealed.

I wouldn't think that was allowed. Why can't they leave it in their car? Do they have a CHL? I honestly would talk to someone about that, but that's just me.

Because.. leaving it their car makes it useless.

My state allows people to carry anywhere except bars. Churches and private employers can decide on their own policies. This being said, my employer has a NO WEAPONS policy at work, so even with a carry/conceal license you could still be fired for having it on the property.

I know that it is useless in the car. But why would you bring it in a hospital? Not a place for a weapon. You have security there and if you are nervous walking out to your car, have them walk you out. I have plenty of times. I am all for gun rights don't get me wrong, but not at a medical facility inside.

My state allows people to carry anywhere except bars. Churches and private employers can decide on their own policies. This being said, my employer has a NO WEAPONS policy at work, so even with a carry/conceal license you could still be fired for having it on the property.

You betcha! Which why I follow my CPL licensure requirement.. and keep it CONCEALED.

There was a discussion taking place in the lunch room about guns and she said she had one in her locker and "did they want to see it?". I think it was very unprofessional and quite frankly, a stupid thing to do. I am in Mississippi, not Texas. I am afraid to report her because if it the others found out it was me, they would make my life a living hell.

Specializes in Home Health (PDN), Camp Nursing.

You should not violate company policy of one is in place. However as to why one would carry in a hospital. Consider the following

What most people don't understand, is that the decision to carry, generally means you carry all the time. If you made decision to be a concealed carry, than you basically assume you'll never know when you will, or will not need to make a decision to use lethal force. I do not carry, however I know many people who do. It's a mindset.

Specializes in Home Health (PDN), Camp Nursing.

I think the decision you have to make here is do you want to report a coworker for a violation of company policy. So long as you didn't feel unsafe, then all you would have to decide what other policy violations you would and would not report a coworker for and feel out where this violation rests on the spectrum for you.

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