How many AA/NA meetings is everyone required to go to in your programs? I don't find them helpful anymore, maybe in the beginning since the stress of everything that happened - listening to others' stories helped. Now, it doesn't help - I don't have a substance use diagnosis but I am labeled with one though since monitoring was required.
Do you guys log your meetings in Recoverytrek? Online meetings are still allowed for me ever since the pandemic. Nowadays, I still log meetings even though I don't go to them (because they are not helpful).
Here's a kick of a story - I've met some people who are in monitoring for their 2nd or 3rd rodeo, or they have had positive tests and sent back to IOP or rehab. Those people have to go to PHYSICAL AA/NA meetings and get a physical signature on paper at the end of the meeting by someone that they attended!
151 Posts
How many AA/NA meetings is everyone required to go to in your programs? I don't find them helpful anymore, maybe in the beginning since the stress of everything that happened - listening to others' stories helped. Now, it doesn't help - I don't have a substance use diagnosis but I am labeled with one though since monitoring was required.
Do you guys log your meetings in Recoverytrek? Online meetings are still allowed for me ever since the pandemic. Nowadays, I still log meetings even though I don't go to them (because they are not helpful).
Here's a kick of a story - I've met some people who are in monitoring for their 2nd or 3rd rodeo, or they have had positive tests and sent back to IOP or rehab. Those people have to go to PHYSICAL AA/NA meetings and get a physical signature on paper at the end of the meeting by someone that they attended!