Are there any books i can read to better understand Med-surg class?


I've always heard med-surg is a hard class,, are there any "for dummies" type books or "notes" type books that can help learn the material,,,other than reading the college textbook?


Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

Check out the Made incredibly easy series. I used the Fluid and Electrolytes one and it was great and cleared so much up for me.

i'm in peds right now and have a book called "straight A's in pediatric nursing" which is amazing.

i saw on amazon they also have a straight A's in OB and another one for med surg. if they're anything like the peds one, they'd be very helpful!

Just started Med Surg and I have Med Surg made incredibly easy. Definitely explains some things a lot better than my text.

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, SICU, MICU.

The "Straight A's" and "Made Incredibly Easy" series are good.

I'm gonna get crucified for saying this I'm sure....

Wikipedia. I know, I know, people can edit it, it's unreliable, but I have yet to find an error in the pathology/pharmacology articles I've read. Don't cite it as a source or anything, but it's helped me understand a lot of concepts, from pulmonary artery catheters to spinal cord injuries and congenital heart defects.

Youtube also has good videos explaining some subjects, but it's hit or miss.

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