April test takers

Nursing Students NCLEX


Anyone taking NClex RN in April? I had no choice but to take it in April because all the dates were full! So scared but determined I will pass this test regardless of the changes. Just want to know if anyone is with me!?

Too much 300+. How are u studying? I'm doing pharm right now.

aww too expensive huhu, i did saunders compre book, la charity and kaplan... im doing both saunders and nclex 3500 free questions. im taking notes on all of the drugs and some unfamiliar diseases. i divided my notebook into 2, one for pharma and the other is random disease and some important notes to remember.

what books can u recommend coz i cant afford kaplan online and im relying heavily on the kaplan book, its a good review but not enough question though :(

@derrleton hey I'm taking my in Oakland center I the Kaplan online course was 350 and I'm also using Saunders and la chairty towards the end. I need to increase my score by 10 % I'm around 53% to 58% I don't know what to do study the contect more or just do the questions so I can raise my % so plz advise me .

Harpreet are u talking about oakland center in michigan?

Does anyone know if there are any opening in end of may or beginning of june??? I cant check until I get my results.

@raj89 no I'm taking in California how about you ?

@derrleton hey I'm taking my in Oakland center I the Kaplan online course was 350 and I'm also using Saunders and la chairty towards the end. I need to increase my score by 10 % I'm around 53% to 58% I don't know what to do study the contect more or just do the questions so I can raise my % so plz advise me .

ahmmm i'd say do content first on saunders 5h edition get the basics there, all the "must know" info coz i doubt that anyone could really cram everything, then do 100 questions a day its important to really read the rationales.

i waited more than a year to get my att, then i got my att last feb and i only have 75 days to take it and i havent been studying while waiting for my att.i just started studying again last 2nd week of feb but so far my strategies really works so far. and if u have a hard time with the meds have a notebook and write them all down and everytime u go to sleep read few or many times untill it sinks in, its really hard remembering which to take with or without meals so it would be really nice to know them atleast. (im averaging 75-85 on saunders, kaplan 75% on 265 question from the cd)

get alot of techniques from lacharity and memorize those strategies by heart coz it really helps even when ur using other materials.

watch procedures on youtube like how to clean trach, suctioning, picc line and ecg tracings it really helps understanding it and tackling it rather than just reading them.

wish i have the kaplan online as well, but i guess i just have to deal with what i have.

ill be praying for us all :)

taking mine in a few weeks. i've finished watching hurst videos and will watch them again. i'm currently doing ncsbn (3 weeks) and doing poorly :(. scored 64% on the pretest and 35% on the first 3 topics. i feel like what i study rarely comes out on the questions.

Ok I am taking in michigan. But didnt get my eligibility yet?

zerooo, how hard is the ncbsn questions is it harder than kaplan?

zerooo how hard is the ncbsn questions is it harder than kaplan?[/quote']

i find ncsbn questions harder. the wording seems different compared to kaplan.

Hey guys I'm taking my test in April I'm getting so nervous my Kaplan q trainer 1to 5 was around 55-58% and the qbank is 50to 55% Im getting so nervous with these score plz help me advise me what else should I do. Thanks you.

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