Applying Out Of State



I was wondering about the pros and cons about applying and attending a nursing school out of state.

I am in CA and I was thinking about applying for the nursing school in Nevada, but I think i still plan to come back to CA and work here.

SHould I just try and apply in-state only? (since I heard that it would be harder taking the CA exam if I studied out of state?)

NCLEX is NCLEX ...... no matter where you take it. Just make sure the school you are planning on attending is accepted by the CA BON.

i was also wondering the same thing. like i live in ohio but wanna go to school in florida. so basically you can go anywhere with a degree?

Specializes in NICU, High-Risk L&D, IBCLC.

I was in CA and I ended up going for my BSN in my home state of Missouri (due to a particularly long wait list). Apply everywhere that you would consider living or attending school - this way you will have more options. I think just about every school in CA has some sort of wait list.

I'm not sure about the nurses exams but one of the cons from going to school out of state is the price. It will cost a lot more going out of state. If i could make any suggestions, it would be to stay in your home state. It will be cheaper and you wont have to worry about retaking or taking your nursing exam over again (some states require their test and their license). Thats just my opinion. Stay in your home state, its just easier.

Specializes in Pediatric/Adolescent, Med-Surg.
I'm not sure about the nurses exams but one of the cons from going to school out of state is the price. It will cost a lot more going out of state. If i could make any suggestions, it would be to stay in your home state. It will be cheaper and you wont have to worry about retaking or taking your nursing exam over again (some states require their test and their license). Thats just my opinion. Stay in your home state, its just easier.

Unless of course, the school(s) you're looking into out of state are like the out of state school I'm attending--private school same rate of tuition for everybody and no tuition if you'll work for them. :)

Unless of course, the school(s) you're looking into out of state are like the out of state school I'm attending--private school same rate of tuition for everybody and no tuition if you'll work for them. :)

Nice.. I don't understand why college is so much money. Everyone says "go to college and get an education". So Most people do and we, including me, will end up with this huge debt. :idea: I think college should be more affordable considering that you need to go to college just to get a good job. Most likely more than half the people in this world will end up in college, so why not lower the prices and take away these stupid courses that colleges make students take (At my college, to be a gym teacher, you have to take plant biology. How messed-up is that?) Colleges should take away these courses that we don't really need and concentrate on our majors. Although, i doubt it will ever happen.

Specializes in NICU, High-Risk L&D, IBCLC.
Nice.. I don't understand why college is so much money. Everyone says "go to college and get an education". So Most people do and we, including me, will end up with this huge debt. :idea: I think college should be more affordable considering that you need to go to college just to get a good job. Most likely more than half the people in this world will end up in college, so why not lower the prices and take away these stupid courses that colleges make students take (At my college, to be a gym teacher, you have to take plant biology. How messed-up is that?) Colleges should take away these courses that we don't really need and concentrate on our majors. Although, i doubt it will ever happen.

College IS expensive, but in my opinion I can't even put a price on my education. Will I graduate with a lot of debt? Absolutely. Do I dread paying $400-500 a month to repay student loans? You bet. Would I do it all over again? In a heartbeat!

For everyone out there, don't let the price tag scare you away from your education and your future! And all those classes that are pointless for your major (art appreciation for a nursing degree, anyone?), you can still learn something from them. Personally, I would be loving life right now if I would have had to take plant biology - I'm trying out my gardening skills and they're definitely not up to par! :lol2:

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