Anyone waiting to get into Moraine Valley's nursing program for Fall 2010?



I just applied for the March 15th deadline at Moraine Valley Community College and was wondering if anyone else is on pins and needles like I am? I just decided about 5 months ago to apply, so I hurried up and became a CNA (I took a 3 week class), took my pre-reqs, but I only had time to take the TEAS test once :crying2: Overall I got a 94, but since MVCC only cares about science and math I got an 82%. Did anyone else calculate their scores? If so, do you mind sharing it? I think I am right on the borderline where it can go either way. I wish I had a higher score, but unfortuantely I do not. I was just curious...

Take P. Porter for A&P 1 and 2, he is seriously the best. He has taken the nursing program just to help prep students going into the program. He is the best teacher I've had at Moraine Valley!

Ooo..great to know. Im going to take A/P I in the spring 11...along with Micro!! Then a/p II in the summer to finish the last of my prereq! And fingers crossed I can start Nursing in the Fall 2011!! So P. Porter it is!

Hey there!

I plan on applying to MVC for Fall 2011 as well...I'm also applying to other schools though.. do you guys live in district? What are the chances of people not in district getting into the program? Do you guys know?

I already applied for Fall 2011, but I'm really nervous because they called saying I'm one of the only people that will have taken TEAS version 4 for that semester...I thought I was all set, but now its up in the air, I might have to retake it all over again. :( I applied a few weeks ago, I couldn't apply for Spring because I am registered for BIO-180 for Spring.

Hi everyone!!!

Thanks Shelly for the advice on A&P! I am really happy that MVCC revamped the program so we don't have to do as many pre-reqs! I don't know about the out-of-district, we moved in-district. I really want to get into MVCC but I have South Suburban and Prairie State in mind as back ups if I don't get accepted to MVCC on my first try. I saw another thread about MVCC saying that if you do really well in BIO 180 and get a high TEAS you are good to go. So good luck everyone, and don't give up!!! We can do it! Chugga chugga :clown:

Hi guys,

Sorry for the second post in the same day but since its Saturday I have been doing a lot (too much?) research today LOL. And I found this other older thread on MVCC

Any Moraine Valley People Out There? - Nursing for Nurses

Saying it is so competitive to get accepted- 600 applicants to 40 seats a year AND they haven't accepted and out of district resident in 13 years?!

Since the post so old (2008ish), and they re-did their program...does anyone know if this still holds true? I mean have they increased their number of seats or since there are other nursing programs opening up has that helped decrease applications etc? It just kind of bummed me out. I am wondering if I should spend the time and money on pre-reqs or try elsewhere altogether?:confused:

I think at the last info session they said 300 applicants for 50 or 60 seats, but still no out of district students at all. They would take in district students first always, and with 300 applicants, obviously they never get to the out of district students before all the slots are gone.

Thanks for the update!

That is still quite a bit of competition. But I really want this:crying2:

I'll cross my fingers!

You should, check out the info session and then take your TEAS - it sort of tells you right on the TEAS what % of applicants to the program you scored at (80th percentile, etc) so you can get a pretty good idea of where you are at in the rankings. Right after the TEAS they have you go speak to a counselor, too. Definitely worth a shot because its so much cheaper than other schools around here. (Assuming you are in district - if you are out of district, you'd have to move in to get accepted).

I'm in my second semester of nursing at for your prerequisite courses I would definitely finish them before applying. The prereq courses need to be completed by the end of the 2 years in the program. Nursing classes are very demanding and it would be hard to juggle prerequisites on top of all the nursing work,

I'm in my second semester of nursing at for your prerequisite courses I would definitely finish them before applying. The prereq courses need to be completed by the end of the 2 years in the program. Nursing classes are very demanding and it would be hard to juggle prerequisites on top of all the nursing work[/quote']

If you don't mind my asking, what was your schedule like your first semester in the program in terms of days/hours? (Or even your second)

well the nursing semesters are split into 8 week classes so its like having 2 semesters in one.....i think first eight weeks it was Mondays and Wednesdays 8-12 then 1-4 and Friday 12-2 and the second 8 weeks mondays 8-12, Tuesday clinicals and wed-fri 9-1....keep in mind thats for 2 sections of students the other 2 sections are a little different but similar

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