Anyone taking 12 plus credits while working Full-Time?


This Part-Time school thing is going too slow for me. I've been avoiding enrolling in more than 6-7 credits per semester because I had some pre-existing notion that it would be too much for me since I am working full time (mon-fri 9-5) and have a 7 year old, but I somehow feel like I may be okay. Is anyone out there taking 12 + credits while working full time and with a child/children that can reassure me that it may not be so bad?

It would be two traditional classes, plus two online classes:

Concepts of Chem

English 2 (online)

Intro to Nutrition (online)

Public Speaking

I think it is doable, it just depends how much time you actually need for each class to do well. For example, my nutrition class was time-commitment heavy but not difficult, so I didn't study much for it outside of class. One thing I would not recommend is two labs at once. I made 91s in my nursing classes this semester (2 of them) but I studied outside of class ALOT and worked usually 2 days a week. Another thing I have found is being realistic on the impact of work and studying. I was not able to do much studying after a day of work. But you do what you have to and if it is too much maybe you can drop one a few weeks in before you have to take a grade for it. If your English 2 is britlit like ours is you will have to spend time looking up research for papers and secondary sources, which does not go quickly for me. :) Good luck to u!

I took a full time subject load for my Masters while working full time. Damn near killed me.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

No kids, but I work full-time as an LPN, tutor in A&P twice a week, take 18 credit hours and have a buttload of extra-curricular requirements for my honors program. It can be done! Sometimes not being a responsibility-free nineteen year old works in your favor. If you are already juggling work, motherhood and school without being stretched too thin, go for it!

In January I was finishing up my last semester for my B.A. in Communications & Media degree from NJIT and i was taking 26 credits 18 from NJIT including an internship which was 3 days a week and working 25 hours a week and taking anatomy 2 and microbiology at a community college and it was the craziest most tiring semester. I literally would be studying while i was stuck in traffic and would wake up at 530 am everyday and study and do homework before i left for class or work or my internship. It is do-able as long as you have the motivation and stay focused and plan ahead. I bought myself a planner and literally planned out the whole semester's assignments and exams and quizzes and took the challenge of making sure i completed everything.

Stay dedicated and sometimes you have to cut out your social life in order to maintain your dreams. It's a temporary adjustment that is going to help you for your future that is how i looked at it.

Good luck. =)

I will be taking 16 credits this spring. I'm 25 and this is my 1st time in college but I have a 4 yr old daughter and work 20 hours a week at a call center. I hope I can pull this off with my mother and husband's support but boy am I NERVOUS

In January I was finishing up my last semester for my B.A. in Communications & Media degree from NJIT and i was taking 26 credits 18 from NJIT including an internship which was 3 days a week and working 25 hours a week and taking anatomy 2 and microbiology at a community college and it was the craziest most tiring semester. I literally would be studying while i was stuck in traffic and would wake up at 530 am everyday and study and do homework before i left for class or work or my internship. It is do-able as long as you have the motivation and stay focused and plan ahead. I bought myself a planner and literally planned out the whole semester's assignments and exams and quizzes and took the challenge of making sure i completed everything.

Stay dedicated and sometimes you have to cut out your social life in order to maintain your dreams. It's a temporary adjustment that is going to help you for your future that is how i looked at it.

Good luck. =)

Girl that sounds rough! I would have imploded. Good for you!

I work 40 or more hours a week and am married and have 3 kids and go to school full time. (12 or more credit hours a semester). It is tough but if you have a detailed schedule and stick to it then you will be fine. Stay foucused on due dates and what you need to study for and stay on track if not ahead and you will get through it. It is tough though.

trust me the day i gave my last final and handed in my final project and co-op paper i booked a flight to texas for 3 weeks to see my sister and niece and nephew. It was insane but do-able.

Its very doable! Put your mind to it and do you will do fine. I am a single mom of a six year. I work two full time jobs (night shift), and am dual enrolled in two community colleges. My load this last semester was 12 credits ( Nursing class/ Fundamental of nursing)fast track program ( two days of class, and one twelve hour clinical a week ) then at the other college i took math121 (4 credits), sociology (3credits) and ethics (3 credits). All while maintaining home and a social life for my son and i. I only slightly lost my mind, but it came back quickly . You will do just fine, if its going to slow then get on a bigger bull!

I'm taking 16 credits next semester working 40+ hours plus have 2 babies 2 and not even a year old.

Well I have been a flight attendant and a Pre-Nursing student and had 15 hrs of credit while working full time. It can be done as long as you push for it. I wish you well and best of luck.

12 plus credits doable for a summer semester?? I work 12 hours a week(also receive unemployment) and have no children. I also am not married. For mothers' working full time and going to school, I really applaud you all *Happy Mother's Day* :)

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