Anyone get out of a ticket just for being an RN?

Nurses General Nursing



Got pulled over, had my name badge on and cop says its ok, I never ticket RN's. Anyone else ever get that lucky? Got a warning though. Didn't flaunt my badge either! Maybe I should leave it in the car and pin it on whenever I get pulled over again. This was on the way home too (away from any hospital)!! Lucky me!:)

Specializes in NICU, Post-partum.

No...but I got a ton of road workers to move once.

I was in a rural area doing a community health a student.

I came across an area where they were digging up a water line. The guy came over and told me it would be at least 30 minutes before I could go by.

I was dressed in all white and the man said, "I take it you have a patient you need to see."

I smiled and said, "Yes, she is expecting me."

I never said I was a nurse...he just assumed....

He told the guys to put a temporary board across the line, moved all of the equipment and guided my car across.

The power of white...I felt it!!!!

Specializes in n/a.

Wow You are a commuter. Im beating myself up thinking about the drive to a vocational school for lvn all the schools here are 50min -1 hour drive one way without traffic and i try to pump my mind to do it, or just wait to be on a waiting list for lvn or rn list.

Specializes in er, pediatric er.

I've gotten out of several tickets, especially when the cop asks where i work. I am an ER nurse. Many cops won't give an ER nurse a ticket, I guess they are afraid they'll get shot and you will be the nurse who takes care of them! LOL!

Specializes in Home Health Care.

I am totally envious of you all. I have only been pulled over a couple times. First time, cop patrolling hospital parking lot. Seen me leave, pulled me over for expired tags. (hubby always pays those but didn't and i forgot to check). No sympathy or warning for me being an RN.

2nd time I was pulled over, I got called in on day off for 2 hostile admits. I was going 6miles over the speed limit on cruise control. The cop was a fresh face pimply young new grad. Made me go back & sit in his car. Asked me if this was an emergency , I responded yes and he said the hospital should expect me to get there in a safely manner. (I'm thinking to myself... for 6miles over the limit!?! ) He wasted 20 min fiddling around with his computer. Then ticketed me and told me to have a nice day..

The rural Barney Fife's of Iowa haven't been so easy going on this nurse.

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