Published Nov 29, 2011
116 Posts
does anyone ever feel bored in working in the OR? Sometimes I feel like once the case is set up and rolling I am just on the sidelines doing my charting. Am I the only one??
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,968 Posts
Occasionally, but I say take advantage of the down time while you can- it can be replaced by crazy fast cases (the true "all I need is a hemostat and a bovie), cases with specimens out the yin yang that need run to the frozen section room/ mammo/ lab/ micro/ whatever else, codes on patients who are really sick, codes on patients who are young and healthy, you name it, it can probably happen.
31 Posts
NEVER! Once case gets going, there is still so much to do! Charting, yes, but there is so much more: re-review card to be sure everything is there-and update it if needed; get dressings ready. Help scrub as needed. Think about next case-mentally prepare and or make a few written notes if necessary. Re-review chart-be sure you didn't miss anything to give report. Plan for end of I need a bed, or anything special? Clean up room. Stock or get a list to stock together (if your facility allows/does this). Assist/anticipate anesthetic needs. Most important: PAY ATTENTION TO THE FIELD AND THE CASE! So many circulators forget that this is their job. I am probably forgetting some things, too. When I was a kid, I told my mom I was "bored". Cleaned windows and screens the rest of that summer...
37 Posts
I thought I posted a reply to this thread...strange. Anyway, regarding this part above, I can't tell you how many times I've seen circulators who face their back to the field and zone out during the surgery, not paying attention. I cringe when I hear the doctor asking for something more than once because they aren't paying attention. I understand this is a great time to get the charting done, I do this as well, but it's so important to remember to pay attention to what is going on. Good point.
CheesePotato, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 254 Posts
Circulating, in my world, is a lot like sex:
If you're're doing it wrong.
jeckrn, BSN, RN
1,868 Posts
Being bored at times happens in all areas of nursing from time to time even if you are busy.
100 Posts
I don't feel bored. I usually have 8 cases a day working w/ pediatrics, so that keeps me VERY busy.
aniretake, MSN, RN
77 Posts
I do feel bored. Thats why I m switching fields now. I m tired of being medical waitress. I want skills and critical thinking in my job
RickyRescueRN, BSN, RN
208 Posts
Yes, I do sometimes feel bored when I circulate long (8-14hrs) cases , but that is why I switch it up scrubbing on cases during the week ( usually scrub 1-2 shifts and circulate 1 shift). I definitely find that I have to focus alot more when scrubbing , even in the long cases . Doing both roles keeps the work interesting and keeps me on my toes. It also helps when one is teaching / precepting new nurses and surgical techs as it prompts one to be on on top of the latest guidelines, practice standards and to know your policies well . Having worked in many different specialties in nursing in 32yrs, I have to admit though , that every specialty will have its boring moments where the shift and work drags. Then other times, the shift flies by and you are on the go, critically thinking , problem solving and intervening the whole time.
60 Posts
aniretake said: I do feel bored. Thats why I m switching fields now. I m tired of being medical waitress. I want skills and critical thinking in my job
Hi aniretake,
I have those moments as well. It means that you have improved so much and possibly achieved the maximum growth in the current position. I think you should feel proud of yourself. I went back to school and received a master degree after having similar feelings as you do. I have also expended my specialty field to a related specialty after having those similar moments. I accepted a job promotion and I am in a new role now. I feel refreshed, mentally challenged, and enjoy seeing myself grow at job everyday. I think it's the beauty in nursing to be able to grow in different roles. I hope that you feel encouraged and empower to make any changes that you think it will be better than what you have now.
QqGgKk said: Hi aniretake, I have those moments as well. It means that you have improved so much and possibly achieved the maximum growth in the current position. I think you should feel proud of yourself. I went back to school and received a master degree ....
I have those moments as well. It means that you have improved so much and possibly achieved the maximum growth in the current position. I think you should feel proud of yourself. I went back to school and received a master degree ....
Thanks, I already have Masters degree. Changing specialties now :)
aniretake said: Thanks, I already have Masters degree. Changing specialties now 🙂
Thanks, I already have Masters degree. Changing specialties now 🙂
You can do it ! Hope that you can feel more motivated, satisfied, and rewarded with what you are doing soon 🙂