Published Sep 26, 2005
15 Posts
I applied to a local nursing school on 8/19. I then was brought in for an interview 2 Fridays ago. The admissions woman told me that I should hear something pretty soon, but the waiting is so hard. I hope to enter school in the fall of 06.
Are any of you out there waiting to hear from a school? How do you keep your minds off of it? It is driving me crazy!!!!!!!
1,132 Posts
I applied to a local nursing school on 8/19. I then was brought in for an interview 2 Fridays ago. The admissions woman told me that I should hear something pretty soon, but the waiting is so hard. I hope to enter school in the fall of 06.Are any of you out there waiting to hear from a school? How do you keep your minds off of it? It is driving me crazy!!!!!!!
Our letters aren't going out until Dec 3rd...for SPRING admission! I just keep trying to forget about it...but it sure isn't easy!
Race Mom, ASN, RN
808 Posts
Our application cutoff was Aug 1st and the application completion date is Nov. 1st. I'm just finishing up my volunteer work at a hospital (which I really enjoy doing!!!). We are accepted based on a point system. The 100+ hours of volunteer work grants me 2 points. Everything we want to have in our "folder" needs to be submitted by Nov. 1st. After that, they take 1-2 weeks before notifying us. Thankfully they notify with acceptance or denial, so you arent wondering if you're going to get that letter come Dec. 30th. (When you are still hopefull, but only because you have convinced yourself there is still a chance!) I know they call the accepted students about a week before letters go out in the mail, so, I will be hanging out by the phone like a teenage girl, waiting for that guy to call, picking up the phone to make sure its working, calling from the cell phone just to make sure the ringer works. How funny!! My phone just rang!!! I'll take that as an omen!!!!!
Good luck to you and everyone else who is applying for Spring 06!!
1,531 Posts
Yes, I'm waiting for the end of this week to get here for one school to answer, till Nov. 15th for 4 others and til November 30th for yet another. I'm going crazy and everytime I go to the mailbox, I pray for mail!
:uhoh21: :uhoh21: :uhoh21: :angryfire
31 Posts
The application deadline was 9/1 for Spring '06, but I got mine in early. Anyway, got the letter last week University of Maryland BSN program.
I'm a little overwhelmed still!
303 Posts
Our deadline was August 31st and the acceptance letters will be sent out on October 15th. I took classes this semester towards my BSN to keep my mind off of it. Chemistry class seems to be the one that is working to keep my mind off of it. lol I applied for ADN.
Yea for you Mysister!!! You didn't have to wait too long! I wish my school was as fast! We have an application date and then a completion date. We had to apply by August but our file must be complete by Nov. 1. Wont find out until after that.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Ditto to lalajenn, word for word. lol (We're applying to the same program, but taking different chemistry classes toward our future RN-BSN programs.
( It's not working very well enough to keep my mind off of the date. ) LOL
Hopefully, our *happy* letters will soon be in the mail!
Good luck to you all, and congrats to those accepted!
19 Posts
I am waiting too! They won't send letters until Oct 31. The wait is awful!
I am taking 5 classes this semester and I still can't get my mind from wondering if I will be in the program or not!
I only applied to 1 BSN program in our area, so I have all my eggs in one basket.
Good luck to you!
2,450 Posts
I'm waiting. I have to practice deep breathing so I won't attack the mailman and loose my cool.
129 Posts
Just reading this thread is giving me butterflies in the stomach. And I thought I was so cool. We won't know until mid to late January for Fall of '06.
298 Posts
I had my meeting with the head of the nursing dept yesterday.
She told me that while she couldnt give me a definate answer right then and there, she would be very, very shocked if I didn't make it into the program. Our school uses a points system for determining entry and I was 2 points away from their perfect score. She said several times that she was very impressed. And this is usually a very intimidating, sort of rude person....I was so shocked!!!
I'm hoping she wouldn't tell me that to get my hopes up if she didnt really mean it.
They meet to decide on my bday, Oct 5....its driving me crazy already....
Should know by Oct 8 at the latest.
I've got so much on my plate with studying and family, the time should fly by....I hope so!
If I get in, I'll start in the January 06 program.