Anyone else studying for CCRN exam?

Specialties CCU


  1. I have or would like to get my CCRN certification: (you may select more than one)

    • 851
    • 17
    • 365
      If yes: I get some kind of financial reward or incentive to achieve and maintain certification.
    • 331
      If yes: There is no financial reward or incentive at my institution for CCRN certification.
    • 360
      If yes: I have or can have CCRN on my name badge or there is other forms of acknowledgement.
    • 291
      If yes: I find the certification has empowered my practice and would encourage others to pursue it.
    • 13
      If yes: It really hasn't been worth the work and I would discourage others from pursuing it.
    • 5
      If no: I don't have the certification and feel no need or have had negative experiences.
    • 53
      If no: I would like to pursue it, but have had difficulty getting motivated.
    • 12
      I am undecided.

379 members have participated

Is there anyone else out there who is currently studying for the CCRN exam and would like to start a thread as perhaps a study and support group? I have just applied for the exam and have not yet set a date, but about in 3 months is when I will be taking it. I would love to be in communication with others in the same boat! I hope there is at least one other nurse out there! Thanks!


Specializes in SICU, CCU, MCU, peds, physician's office.

I have set a May 11 date for my CMC exam. That is the day before my birthday. I am praying that I do well.

Specializes in Cardiac/Med Surg.

good luck to you and happy birthday

i still havent study'd or set date

Ok, I have been a critical care nurse for 10 years. I have been studying for the CCRN for a month (Gasparis cd's and Brorsen/Rogelet Adult CCRN certification review book). I feel the exact same way I remember feeling for the n-clex exam. Too much information to remember. I am scheduling my exam for May 22nd, just to get it over with. I seriously feel that no matter how much I listen to the cd's or review the questions in this book, I will still feel unprepared. I don't want to fail it, of course. But I just don't know how to prepare for this thing. I listen to the cd's and think I'm fine. Then pick up a book of review questions and start to panic. The cd's are 'supposed' to have all of the info you need to pass, but the books of questions out there cover a TON of information not covered on the cd's. Any advice????????

Specializes in MICU.

When I took the test, I remember thinking that a lot of the nurses I worked with probably knew the answers to a lot of questions. The key is knowing how to answer the questions. The study guides are good, but I felt like my two day prep course was huge for boiling down what I needed to know. I didn't do as well either on practice tests, but managed to squeak by on game day. If you are getting close, I would say spend more time on practice questions than content.

Just my :twocents:

Specializes in SICU, CCU, MCU, peds, physician's office.

I am just stopping by to let everyone know that I passed the CMC today. Now it's time to start studying for the CSC!

There is TRENDS in critical care nursing. My workmate's recommended them. I think they have classes around the country. Some hospitals will pay for the class. Good luck

I have posted here a couple of times over the last year, but I have FINALLY gotten serious about doing this. I am taking the exam May 22. I took a 2 day review course in January and studied off and on Jan/Feb. Gave it up for awhile, but have been consistently studying for the last month. I took a PassCCRN test today and got 85%. I agree that there is just so much to study - it is overwhelming. I still need to work on drugs, cardiomyopathies, and those darn murmurs. I have been working in a neuro/surgical/trauma ICU for the last 5 years, and I did Med/Surg ICU before that. Never done cardiac surgery, never seen a balloon pump. And I agree that the questions on the review CD ask about things that ARE NOT mentioned at all in Gasparis' review or in the review class I took. I'm so ready to get it over with!

Specializes in Cardiac/Med Surg.

best of luck hopefully i will start studying soon, have to get daughter go college first

Just received my AACN newsletter this week. Did anyone else notice they are changing the test plan for CCRN later this year? I'll be interested to see what changes.

just got home from taking the test, and i passed! i really appreciate all of the advice given on this thread. thanks!

I just passed yesterday. I found the exam mind boggling. I also think it is absolutely rediculous that they can put in 25 questions that have no "right" answer and do not count. I mean, I am the one paying the fee and THEY are 'trying out' questions on me. And do you know how stressful it is to stare and stare and stare at a question and wonder...maybe THIS is one that doesn't count? Maybe that is why no answer is great? Or do I just not know the answer and I am going to get this one wrong? I definitely found some questions that simply did not have enough information to choose one of the answers provided.

Unreal. I do NOT think the LGV cd's were enough to pass this test. I do think that I would not have passed without them. But, for me, it was the CD's in combination with endless computer practice test questions. Had I not done the questions (Pass CCRN especially), I would not have understood HOW to think for the test; why 2 answers might be arguable, but only one the best. Doing the computer practice questions also taught me to slow down and really READ each question and evaluate all of the information. The Pass CCRN test questions give you the rationale for the correct answer, AND the strategy: why you should've thought to pick that one over the others. Very helpful in learning how to think for the test and come to the right conclusion, even if you are not 100% sure what the answer is. "Mental aerobics". I did 150 practice test questions at least once a day for 2 weeks prior to the exam. I did additional test questions prior to that, but in the 2 weeks just prior to the exam, I sat down and did 150 non-stop. So yesterday, doing 150 was no big deal. My brain was used to it. I listened to LGV cd's in my car every time I drove to and from work for 2 months.

Flashlight - I agree, Mindboggling! I didn't know the answer to the first question, which is always frustrating. And you're right, there was not enough information to answer a few of the questions. For example: I remember one of the questions asking what hemodynamic values you would expect in sepsis. It did not clarify early or late, and there were options that fit both. I just had to pick one. I made notes on several of the questions. I hope someone reads them and takes them into consideration.

I agree that doing lots and lots of practice tests from the PASS CCRN DVD was the key. Studying the rationale and strategy was vital to learning how to take this test. LGV DVDs would NOT have been enough. I also attended a 2 day review class by my local AACN chapter which was helpful, especially the notebook that we got to take home.

Anyway, I'm extremely glad that it is over. Can't wait to see what the new test plan is like when they roll it out later this year. Congratulations!

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