Anyone applying to NGCSU Fall 2012?

U.S.A. Georgia


Hi, I'm new to this site, and I just wanted to see who has all applied to North Georgia College and State University. Anyone with experiences, or others who have applied please reply with your stats...It would be greatly appreciated!

I'm just trying to get a general idea of what my stats should be like or what I should expect if im accepted. I have a 3.5 GPA and I just recently took my TEAS saturday so I am waiting on my score (Crosses fingers) :):):):)


I just got my acceptance letter! I am so excited and relieved! :yeah: Good luck to everyone!!

Yay!!! congrats!!! which campus?

I just got my acceptance letter! I am so excited and relieved! :yeah: Good luck to everyone!!

My first choice, Dahlonega campus. Which campus did you get accepted to? :)

Gainesville, my first choice too!

I got in !!! So excited!! I'll be attending Forysth Campus. I wish everyone the best news today :)

So we've got one at each campus so far! :)

hello, :sniff: I didn't get accepted but I did get put on the waiting list...congrats to all of you!

Forsyth Campus is now going to be at the new facility they are building in conjunction with Gainesville State. So it's a bit further then Lanier but not nearly as far as going to Dalhonega from Cumming. I guess it's exciting to be at a new facility :)

I got my acceptance letter!! Forsyth campus!

hello, :sniff: I didn't get accepted but I did get put on the waiting list...congrats to all of you!

It's okay. I got waitlisted too.

I emailed them earlier and she told me I was in the middle group top portion...whatever that means.

I got waitlisted but I called the Nursing Department and the person who picked up said that the waitlist is broken up in to three sections: top, middle and bottom group and she said I was in very top of the top group so I have a good chance of getting of the waitlist. Congrats to all that got accepted! You all will make amazing nurses! :)

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