anyone applying to Georgia state Spring 2012 program?

U.S.A. Georgia


anyone applying to gsu spring 2012 my GPA is 3.4. Im retaking the teas i got a 76, i think, the first time. i asked before but not to many people responded, so im asking again:D.

Hey. Has anyone called to see why it may be taking so long for some of us to recieve responses? I hope we all hear from them soon. :/

All this waiting and stress isn't good for us.

LOL iceangels! It definately isnt good. Well, I talked to one of the admissions coordinaters just now. She said they still have more letters to send out and that they should have everything done by the 3rd week of November. Which means that all of this week and all of next week is gonna be crucially nervewrecking for us. Stalk your mail boxes! lol. Actually, you know what made me feel less nervous about opening the letter? I told my mom to check the mail everyday instead of me, and when she opens it i want her to just send me a text that says "Congrats" or "you didnt make it". Or else I'll go crazy when the letter is in my

*sigh* Patiently waiting for my text. . . .

can anyone who has already been accepted tell us how many names are on the listserv?

Yes!! This wait is nottt healthy for us. lol hopefully we will all have some good news before thanksgiving!!

oh goodness I hope so...

hahaha! svictor1, I've done the same! I keep telling my father to check the mailbox for me! >__

That would be great samme324 if someone told us some names. And the wait continues...

The next thing I am debating at this moment is whether or not I should stay on campus at GSU or just commute like I have been doing. If anyone has any suggestions from other people who have been in the program in the past, any advice would be much appreciated.

Well, I guess it depends on how far you live from campus. Atlanta traffic is beastly to say the least. However, if you don't live very far from campus, then commuting won't be all that bad either. I only know one person that went through the program and she lived off campus. She said that she liked living off campus because she was able to control her studying environment better than she would've been able to on campus. I imagine that living on campus might be more convenient, because it eliminates travel time. Then again, you would have to travel to your clinicals too... Those are just a few points that she suggested that you consider when making your decision. I hope this helps!

Congrats :yeah: Madruler!!!

The roster on PINs Review currently has 54 ppl listed on there including an administrator so I'm assuming there are 53 students already accepted. Also I do not know if this number includes only ACE "or" Ace & Traditional total

SN.AMK and I stopped by the nursing office today. The person at the front desk said that letters are still being sent out and will be going out through the 3rd wk of November... but she also said that the reviews are complete. I'm thinking from the info she gave us, they have already made decisions and prob have a round going out every week depending on how many responses they get back from accepted applicants. And the last few rounds of letters will depend on how many spaces remain. They did clarify that "every applicant" will receive a letter, whether it's an acceptance, waitlist, or denial letter. Some ppl have gotten denial letters so the way I see it, no news is good news. SN.AMK I am praying for you & everyone else on here that has been waiting so patiently. Hopefully, you all will have some good news to share in the upcoming days:):):)

Commuting for me would work out perfectly; however, I need to find out information about clinical process/locations beforehand. Will definitely try to speak with someone in the nursing department tomorrow if possible when I turn my acceptance letter and form about following the behavior policy guidelines.

Thanks Yayaccepted for the updates! They keep us going and inspired as we wait.:anbd:

Madruler, I have some great info for you. I dont know if you read my previous post but I started the nursing program this past spring so I can give you some pointers. If you're doing ACE, you only have school 2 days a week. Mondays and Wednesdays. You get to choose your clinical/lab day to be either thursdays or fridays (based upon availability). I chose thursdays so that I can have a 3 day weekend to study. On your lab/clinical day, you will alternate between lab & clinicals every week. For example, lets say you choose thursdays as your clinical/lab day, week 1 you'll be in lab on thursdays, week 2 you'll be in clinicals on thursday, week 3 you'll be in lab on thursday, and so on. You wont know where your clinical is until you start the program and they assign you to a hospital. And btw, lab is in the nursing building. I would continue to commute, i think about 80% of us did. The school environment can be distracting and you'll get very annoyed of having to be on campus so much. I would stay home & study in peace because you'll be doing a lot of it. I would save the money, its only 16 months. Hope this helps! :)

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