Anyone aplying to UW Oshkosh Accel. BS to BSN?

U.S.A. Wisconsin


I just applied to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Online Accelerated BS to BSN program. The next cohort will start May 2009. I am excited and curious if any one else is out there applying or if any one else is in the program now. If so how is it?

That is a great idea to clep. the only reason you personally may not want to as your trying to raise your gpa and i think that is included in figuring it out and that make your other grades count more kwim? but i have no clue how they adust for clepped classes. i took human growth and development for my first degree. i know most of the wi community colleges offer it online so you might want to check yours too for that option.

lol, btw i got curious about the pass rate so i called and its in the mid to upper 90s

Ah good point about trying to raise the grade. I don't know how it was calculated into the admission process - that'd be a good question for Sue. I looked on my transcript and it was just calculated with the credit hours but no grade was listed, so I really don't know.

I'm starting to research programs . . . I have a couple of questions about the program at UW Oshkosh . . . I understood from their site you can live anywhere (just have to do the 3 wks residency and have preceptor in your home area for clinicals) is that correct . . . even out of state? Also, the tuition is crazy expensive . . . I've just about maxed out on loans for my 1st degree and my husbanbs MBA . . . do they have any options for scholorships/ grants . . .



i would say half of my class is out of state they have a list on their site where they are approved. it is expensive but it is inline with what other accelerated programs are. the other accelerated program in my town is 46 thousand. (private school) . they don't have scholarships or grants, because its second degree federal grant's are out. some students got scholarships from their local hosptials for 10 thousand dollars (and they make a committment to work for them for 2 years) or there is a federal scholarship that will pay for some of your school if you work in a critical shortage area but you have to be a 0 for Expected contribution to be a candidate for it. Good luck!


Hope it's ok to jump in on this post. People were talking about the CLEP classes, I was wondering if someone could give me more info on them. So you just get the text and then take the test?? That seems to good to be true! I also need that human growth and developmental class since it isn't offered at my school.

Has anyone done that through the CLEP program? How was it? I guess I'm a little worried about just reading a textbook and then taking a test since I've never done that before, but it sound plausible.

I would like to apply for the May 2010 program, so I'm trying to get all my pre-reqs done (this would be the last one) and start my CNA experience. It is really difficult to get a job today, though. And that makes me worried! But I'm applying at a couple places and hopefully something will open up! (The fox valley isn't the greatest place to find jobs because everybody wants to live here, it seems. Even people that go to school in Milwuakee or Madison seem to come back to the area)

Thanks everyone!

For those of you who have been through the admissions process for the accelerated BSN.....does every candidate get an email interview? After the email interviews, does everyone get a phone interview? Or is the phone interview a pretty good indicator that you will be accepted? I'm just curious if there are any steps that are only for those candidates that they are in serious consideration of. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)


Getting a phone interview means they think you are 'program' capable but it is by no means an indication you will be accepted. I think 'most' people get a phone interview but i don't know for sure.

I had my phone interview last week. It wasn't exactly how I thought it was going to go, but I still think I did well. How many people do you suppose get phone interviews? Half of the applicants? I just can't imagine them spending 20 minutes on 120 people. Does anyone know?


I tried to warn you ;) phone interviews are really different...... Im not sure how many people get interviews...... i think that a lot of people do. Some of those people are 2nd timers that were on the waiting list and so they don't do interviews and some many not have the gpas ect ...... so that cuts down on the number but i still think they interview a lot of people and I think it can burn them out:)

You should be finding out any time let us know when you do!! We are on our 3rd class and its crazy how fast it goes.

RN-- I bet that's nice the program's going fast! :) How is the workload?! Are you crazy busy?

Its really busy... but its managable thus far.

Like last week i had 3 test (1 was a final) about 8 chapters to read and a 5 to 7 page paper due.... add in other smaller things and its overwhelming.... it was busy and at the beginning of the week i was freaking out :) but once i got my 'plan ' together I was fine.... now im at that stage again with a new class but after that first day of getting in your 'groove' things calm down and its busy but managable. You guys will do great!

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hello txakolina

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Specializes in Cardiac Step-down Unit.

Hello guys!!

What is the passing rate that someone has to have on the TEAS? If you took the TEAS prior to being accepted into the program can you just have the testing site send your score to the school?


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