Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi everyone--

Has anyone else out there applied to the UCSF MEPN program? They're supposed to send out letters this month (December) for the interview process. Has anyone gotten a letter yet? Will those that aren't asked to the interview process get a rejection letter now?

Crossing my fingers...!

Got the letter -- I'm In!!!

I'm off home to check...Congrats

Aaargh...The mail came and there's nothing. I can't believe it. Yet another day to wait

I'm so sorry - I was almost ready to pass out with anxiety, and can understand what a drag it is to have to wait one more day. I personally don't think it means anything that some of the letters arrived today and some tomorrow. Please let us know when you hear.

Oh my gosh Sci-Fri!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! I am so incredibly happy for you.

I'm going to go home now. It is actually only about a 1/2 hour early for me. I can't believe I held out this long.


WOOP WOOP!!!! I'm in!!

Much love!


PS My letter was postmarked on the 28th, but I only live about a mile from UCSF. God, what torture it must be for those farther off . . . knowing that decision is just floating aimlessly through the mail . . . I wouldn't know what to do!

Oh (and I am obviously obsessing here, lol), for anyone who gets into MEPN and want to have a get-together before june 22 or whatever, let's do it!!

wow, i've been lurking on this message board for a while and felt like it was finally time to post. i live in sf and work in palo alto and ever since i read that some of you have received acceptance letters from ucsf...well, let me say that my ability to focus at work today is .completely. shot. i need to get home to the mailbox! wishing everyone the best of luck. :-)


I got my letter today and I'm in! What a relief, I will be emailing Solon! - lisa

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