Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi everyone--

Has anyone else out there applied to the UCSF MEPN program? They're supposed to send out letters this month (December) for the interview process. Has anyone gotten a letter yet? Will those that aren't asked to the interview process get a rejection letter now?

Crossing my fingers...!


Your explanation of the differences between Yale and UCSF were very clear...thanks so much! I can definitely understand someone needing to go to their therapist if they reject Yale and go to UCSF instead. I didn't apply to Yale because a) I didn't know about it and b) even if I did, it's just too far from my friends and family here. So, had you applied to UCSF last year as the Yale interviewer asked or did they just assume that you didnt?

I'm dying to know who you are since you said you met me....any hints? ChickenLLBird isn't ringing a bell! :nuke:


PS -Thanks for your kind words ChickenLLBird. I really appreciate that.

Sorry, I should be sending this to Kris directly but I'm not exactly sure how to do that. Please forgive! Kris -my name is Lisa, I am a white woman with light brown hair. I was wearing a black suit and turquoise sweater at the MEPN lunch. I asked a question about finances. It's a legacy of my years of sexual assault counseling that I remember almost all names and faces I meet. Sorry if it seemed creepy, Kris. So, I didn't apply to UCSF last year because I didn't have A&P yet. So I am a first-time applicant to UCSF, had to turn down Yale and take a chance. I didn't reapply to Yale because I decided that I did not want to be on the East Coast. Plus, I'd love to live in SF. Good luck everyone, keep breating - Lisa (ChickenLL)

I am completing the last semester of my pre-req's and I think the MEPN program would be great for me! My GPA is high, my pre req grades are high, I am currently volunteering and shadowing and will take my GRE's this summer....can some of you who are in the program/ have interviewed for the program tell me what other things can I do to boost my chances of getting in?? I know it is really competitive!!

Can some of you in the MEPN program make some suggestions as to what I can do to be a more competitive applicant? I have a high GPA, high pre req GPA, volunteer experience, shadowing experience and I will take my GRE's this summer....

sounds like you have a lot of good things on your side. Good luck!

I would read through the pages of this thread and take advice from the various years.

I would also say to write a really focused letter of intent. Know what you'd like to do and why. Make sure you can prove that in your volunteer experience, shadowing, life experience. Let them know clearly why this choice is the obvious next step for you.

good luck

Hi Lisa,

I just sent you a private email through the system...hope you got it!

: ) Kris

Hey all,

ChickenLLBird is kind of right/kind of not about the Yale program. They DO have a CNS track, that's what I applied for and was accepted for. You're right about the diversity there, it's absolutely lacking. Young white women, that was about it. Funny enough, the guy asked how many were from California and like at least 50% of us raised our hands! I also heard that YSN is the stepchild of the University, which makes it hard for clinical placements (you're not working at Stanford, which is what you're doing when attending UCSF), but they also offer the chance to get a Masters in Public Health with only 1 more year of study. I feel that an MSN is an MSN, but having a MPH from an Ivy might be worth the mountain of debt we have to undergo in order to attend.


Quick update...

I just called the school to calmly ask if we were still on track for the letters to go out by the March 1 deadline. She said "yes." I followed up with "so they will be going out today?" and she said, "they went out yesterday."

So local folks, you may have an answer today :-)


Oh Boy! Why does the mail come so late??? I plan on coming home in the middle of the day to check...Good luck to everyone, and I look forward to meeting you ALL in June!

I just heard back from a friend who I begged to check my mail while I was out of town. Our mail already came for today and there was NOTHING!!! :(

I'm in Hayward and when interview letters came out, I was in the first group to get them. I don't know what that means this time around; I'm hoping that it doesn't bode poorly for the rest of you locals! I felt so sure it would be there today! I feel so absolutely crushed!

Trying to keep the positive thoughts alive! Best of luck to everyone!


I'm in SF, just down the hill from UCSF. I'll post as soon as my mail arrives...

Great thanks! Thanks to the tip from Elenaroo I decided not to take off from work early. Sounds like it will most likely come tomorrow.

Sorry Elenaroo if I got your hopes up. I don't want you to be crushed. :( Tomorrow isn't that far away.

Nat3433, when does your mail usually come?

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