Any spring 2014 applicants?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


The wait is beyond killing me...I applied to a BSN program June 1st for next spring...the deadline was sept 1st, but they don't start "looking" until 6 weeks pretty much the middle of October is when I'll know. Anyone else out there waiting or about to apply?

I applied to 2 ADN programs and one is to start Fall 2014. I turned in my app last month and you don't find out until mid-Spring 2014! I think it's a point system. The apps aren't officially due until December, but they ask you to apply as early as possible. So it's going to be a looooong wait for me? the other program is a waiting list and I was 289 before Spring semester and they accept 40 each semester. They lose some too as time goes on with people getting into other programs or just not attending for one reason or another. Good luck to those of you waiting and congrats to the ones being accepted!!

I'm in I'm in!!!! I got my letter today!!! Enrollment is Oct 28th so I guess I'll know more details then! Woohoo!!! (ok I'm a little excited lol)

Congrats Becky boo!!!!

Got my acceptance today for gulf coast State! sooooooo excited! I think I'm just as excited that the wait is over as I am about getting in! Now to get started on the to do list they sent along with it.

Yup! I know how you feel!! I did my background check today, my physical & PPD is Monday along with my shots and I ordered my scrubs!

After all I payed for application fees, getting my transcripts sent, my deposit...apparently I have to pay 100 dollars to submit proof of all of my vaccines online?!? Any other schools do this?

What?! That's crazy!!! I think it's dumb to have to pay a deposit. All we had to do was respond within ten days.

Deposit for what? And there was no application "fee" per se. Is this a for profit school you applied to?

Yup! I know how you feel!! I did my background check today, my physical & PPD is Monday along with my shots and I ordered my scrubs!

I just have to turn in the acceptance/denial to the program letter, then pay for the background check, and take the drug test, within the next week and a half. Once they get the background check and drug test results in, then we get our "formal" acceptance and find out everything else we have to do. I am not worried about passing either one though!

We had to have our background check done as part of the application process.

The school I'm going to didn't actually have an application fee, but all of the other programs I applied to did. Even Umass had a 60 dollar application fee. I had to put a 500 dollar deposit down on my tuition, which I also thought was pretty standard? All of the schools I've been accepted to (which was a few back in 2008 when I went for my first degree and 3 now) required the same! Maybe its a regional thing.

My application period ended september 20th and within a week you get an email saying whether or not you get an interview. I had my interview Oct 18th and wont know if accepted or not for another 2 weeks, acceptance is contingent on background check and drug test. Its crazy how competitive it is, i had a 3.75 gpa snd teas score of 88%, which got me an interview. but acceptance is based just on the interview now which was two and a half hours long.Crossibg my fingers but trying not to get my hopes up too high just in case!

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