Any runners???



I was wondering if there were any runners among us...... I used to run a LONG time ago........ it all came to a crashing halt when I was playing coed softball and was slammed by a runner coming home and I was carried off on a stretcher with a torn ACL.... (they were out though! )

Anyway, I want to get back to it, and I am not finding my motivation very well. Any ideas???

Specializes in Utilization Management.

:uhoh21::uhoh21::uhoh21: Did you say "run"? :uhoh21::uhoh21::uhoh21:

*backs slowly out of thread* :uhoh21:

I was wondering if there were any runners among us...... I used to run a LONG time ago........ it all came to a crashing halt when I was playing coed softball and was slammed by a runner coming home and I was carried off on a stretcher with a torn ACL.... (they were out though! )

Anyway, I want to get back to it, and I am not finding my motivation very well. Any ideas???

I jog . . . I used to jog regularly 5 1/2 miles 3 to 4 times a week.

Today I started up again - walked two times around the track, jogged two times, walked two times, jogged two . . . until I did two miles.

The one thing that kept me motivated before was jogging on our beautiful country while listening to music or a talk show. Something that kept my mind off the jogging.

I've gained 30 pounds since I stopped jogging regularly. :down:

I want to start up too . ..but I've started and stopped and started and stopped . . . . not sure how to keep motivated.


:uhoh21::uhoh21::uhoh21: Did you say "run"? :uhoh21::uhoh21::uhoh21:

*backs slowly out of thread* :uhoh21:

Big chicken! :coollook:


Specializes in NICU.

I agree with Steph. I've got kids and work in a noisy unit, so running is my chance to be alone and listen to music without interruption. My i-pod has been well-worth the money it cost :). I've been considering listening to books on tape, but running clears out my mind and I'm not sure that having to concentrate on a story would still get me there, but it works for some.

When the brain-clearing properties are not enough to induce me, I have been known to bribe myself with jewelry :D.

When all else fails, I just get out and do it; even a bad run will make me feel better than a good sit indoors ;).

Specializes in Utilization Management.
Big chicken! :coollook:


More like "big walking ball of pain." I tried to get around it by riding my bike, but I've been bad lately....

More like "big walking ball of pain." I tried to get around it by riding my bike, but I've been bad lately....

Teasing you :redbeathe

I'm going to go to the track when I finish this cup of coffee. Really. ;)


I agree with Steph. I've got kids and work in a noisy unit, so running is my chance to be alone and listen to music without interruption. My i-pod has been well-worth the money it cost :). I've been considering listening to books on tape, but running clears out my mind and I'm not sure that having to concentrate on a story would still get me there, but it works for some.

When the brain-clearing properties are not enough to induce me, I have been known to bribe myself with jewelry :D.

When all else fails, I just get out and do it; even a bad run will make me feel better than a good sit indoors ;).

I too used it for mental health. :up:

I think one of my problems is the track is so boring - I want to run on the country roads again but with my seizure disorder, it scares me. (Adult onset seizures 4 years ago - only had two and none for 3 1/2 years).

Or . .it could be that I'm just lazy. ;)


Specializes in ER and Home Health.

I love running. But what keeps me going and in pace is music. The I pod sets my pace. Or the music I have selected does anyway. Rock on, Run on.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

Love running. I have tapered off a bit since I started swimming. Ran a marathon back in 2003, would love to do it again. Triathlon in the near future, hopefully.

Specializes in Oncology, Cardiac.

I would have to agree with most posters- find awesome songs that you love and will make you move! For me that's dance, trance, latin/salsa, some rock and rap and others. I mix it up with comedy routines for a quick laugh to keep me in a good mood.

Also, for motivation, try to go with a friend if that works for you.

I have family history of heart disease and diabetes, so I remind myself to exercise if I don't want to end up a patient at a hospital.

Specializes in CTCU, cardiac office, preop/pacu.

MUSIC :) I have been running most of my life but menopause has pushed me into the couch, lol. Tiredness has set in, but I do still manage it just not always as often as I used to.

I find mornings are better for me so I try to get moving in the morning after a cup of coffee of course. I too got an ipod as a gift , and it's the best thing ever for motivation. It has a Nike tracking program with a thing for my shoe - forget what it's called. Then my ipod tells how far I've gone, how fast I'm going, etc. Programs music to play, a boosting song for the last leg of the run, etc. It's wonderful motivation. That and the pick of music help immensely. Good luck. Let me know if you start logging your miles! I am always looking for another motivator too! :yeah:

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