Any PhD in Nursing Applicants?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


I just finished my last PhD application this month, and I wanted to know if there was anyone else completing applications and waiting. I'm hoping to make a little group of people waiting together to ease the strain a little.

I applied to a reach program, one that I think is a great match, the other two are really interesting and all of them offer great opportunities. If anyone responds to this, I'll be more specific about programs, etc. For now, I feel a little exposed and just want to test the waters!

Specializes in Women's Health.

I haven't updated anything on here in forever. I thought that it might be nice to say hi to everyone. Hello!

I was lucky enough to meet BayArea2010 at a meeting for incoming students at UCSF. BayArea2010 is wonderful and the experience of meeting other students was great.

The time between now and when school starts is both moving much too slowly and at the same time much too quickly. I can't think of another way to describe it. I wish that more information would arrive from the school about orientation or really, anything, because sometimes it seems almost unreal. But since classes don't start until late September, I have a long time to go still.

I've told my boss that my last day at work will be the 30th of July. My mom is coming out to SD to help me figure out what goes with me to SF and what gets sent to Goodwill on the 31st. Our hunt for apartments continues. So far, we're looking at less space for more money. It will be a good excuse to clean out our lives and closets. I like the idea of starting school as an organized student!

And then we'll move out at the end of August or start of September... Maybe it isn't that far off after all...

I hope that everyone is doing really an update!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

As you are setting up an apartment and getting organized, I recommend creating a fairly roomy space for an office. We used to joke about it when I was in my PhD program. You could tell how far someone was in the program by the amount of floor space that was covered by dissertation materials. You will collect lots of stuff books, articles, etc. While some will be electronic, not all of it will be. You will need space to put it all. Plan on it.

Good luck!

Specializes in Women's Health.

I've now been seriously apartment hunting for around 3 weeks. I think that I initially started too early. It's only now that apartments available in mid-August or September are being posted on Craig's. I have taken llg's advise and I am looking for apartments that would allow me an office "space" of some sort.

My last week of work is next week. After that it is all packing, getting rid of stuff that isn't moving with us and cleaning out the house. Thankfully my mom is coming for a week to help with the packing, etc.

I hope that everyone else is doing well!

Specializes in Women's Health.


I'm not sure if anyone is still reading this, but I wanted to drop this note here.

I started posting on this site, at least partly, because I couldn't find much info on the web about the nursing PhD process. What I really wanted was a blog or something to read. Everyone here was really helpful and very supportive, and I'd like to expand on that sense of community.

I've started a blog, fairly anonymously, and I'm hoping to write about the process of getting a nursing PhD. I can't predict if I'll be able to keep posting throughout the whole program (I'm not really sure anyone would be that interested!) but I'm going to give it a shot. Maybe it will help the next nurse who is thinking about applying and wants more info....

Here's the link:

PhD Nurse-to-be or how I learned to be Dr. Nurse

If you're interested stop by and make a comment or ask a question. Maybe we can start another little community!

Thanks and have a great day!

Here is my first reply on this forum, just starting the new app process for 2011 PhD seats. This has been a great and extremely enlightening post.

As it appears most of you have gotten into at least one of your schools of choice, my questions are:

1) What would you do differently now since you have gone through the whole process?

2) What sort of mistake(s) did you find yourself making?

3) What part of your applications did you find most difficult?

Thanks, I'm sure I will have many more questions to come in the near future :)

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.
I hope that everyone is doing really an update!

Hi Everyone! I have been reading this thread with interest and thought I'd drop in and say hello. I'm currently an MSN student working to become a CNM/WHNP. I also work part-time as an L&D nurse. The last few months at work and school, I've been thinking strongly about applying to the PhD program. I am a student at a large research institution, so it offers a strong PhD program and happens to also have a research focus in maternal/child nursing (which would be my area of interest). My advisor jumped when I suggested I might like to apply for the PhD program and seemed to imply that it would be an easy transition.

I am realizing more and more that my real interest lies in the research behind my practice. I'm always questioning our practice and wondering why we do things the way we do them. I've always been interested in that, but it's becoming abundantly clear that this is where my true passion in women's health actually exists. So I'm strongly leaning toward exploring this option and hopefully going forward with that.

Anway, best of luck to you all and I'm excited to read that there are others out there with similar goals! :yeah:

Specializes in Global Health Informatics, MNCH.

A blog is a really good idea for keeping up writing skills. It's also a good way to advertise your research and what you are doing. I started one, post-comps, and wish I had done it earlier. I'm happy to share the URL with anyone who PMs me.


I applied at two different schools , one was an accellerated program (3yrs) but did not get in because I did not have a clinical research problem I wanted to work on, but was encouraged to apply to their regular program of 5 yrs..

the other was online, and I didn't get it in..

I have been stuck about what I really want to do, because I think you really have to have a passion for the topic you are researching or you will never get out.. I have a friend who has 110 hours and its a 60 hr program and is still at it.. which is total crazy...

do you all want to teach or want to do nursing research..


"It is no fun to be in educational limbo and I do understand how you feel"

thats how I feel .. I applied to both and the NP prgram was full and the PHD program was an accellerated 3 yr program that I did not get accepted.. so now I am applying for the NP program again ... but sometimes I think I such just do the PHD program at least it gives you more choices.. is the at correct assumption ?

Specializes in Med Surg,.

I have mastered nursing, I did not see the need in furthereing my education in nursing. I plan to doctorize in management/administrative. (is that a word doctorize) I know I can lead, that is my passion.

Hello everyone,

Well I have just about completed my first month in my PhD program. Everyday I ask myself "what am i doing". A doctorate program is truly a whole new level of thinking and learning. I keep teling myself "just show up." Every day I show up, is one step closer to the end of the semester. I hope I make it through. Say a prayer.


congrads. to you on getting accepted.. I think you have to have a passion for what you do once you move to the PHD level or you won't finish. :)

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