Any PhD in Nursing Applicants?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


I just finished my last PhD application this month, and I wanted to know if there was anyone else completing applications and waiting. I'm hoping to make a little group of people waiting together to ease the strain a little.

I applied to a reach program, one that I think is a great match, the other two are really interesting and all of them offer great opportunities. If anyone responds to this, I'll be more specific about programs, etc. For now, I feel a little exposed and just want to test the waters!

Specializes in Global Health Informatics, MNCH.

It's looked down upon a bit to always be at the same school for your nursing education, especially for your PhD, so that could have been a factor. Also, if your research interests don't match up well with anyone there. UCSF is a great school though and currently is the highest funded nursing school in the country so you can't go wrong there.

Whoa! Penn accepted you for your BSN and MSN but rejected your for the PhD. If you don't mind me asking, what is your stats (e.g., MSN GPA, GRE scores, years of experience etc.)

Congrats on getting into UCSF. That's one of the top nursing schools in the country. You should feel very proud of yourself. :)

quote=NPtoPhD;4158686]Whoosh, this waiting period is hard! So I have heard back from 2 schools...and still waiting on 2. Bad news: Penn said no! Kinda crushed since I had been accepted both for my BSN and MSN. BUT, good new: UCSF accepted! Yipee! And even better news is they offered me a fellowship to cover tuition. That really helps because that was one major drawback about UCSF (since the other 3 fully fund their PhD students). But now the fellowship helps level the playing field. Still waiting for Yale & Hopkins, but I just feel SSOOOO relieved knowing I will at least be going to UCSF! Anyone else getting news back???

Hi Wall-e

I am using KAPLAN online. I am doing questions now. I am also using two Saunders books with questions (5000+). I need to take it the first week of April as my KAPLAN online will be terminated on April 6th...or else I can pay them another $200 or so to extend the program a month. But if I do...I won't have enough time to pack and move...How are you doing?

Good news........................ Got accepted to Emory University PhD program!!!!! Wooohoo!!!!!:yeah:

Specializes in Women's Health.

Yay ctbtrini! Congratulations! Yay!

I also wanted to thank you BayArea2010. You're correct and I'm going to contact them and ask nicely. I hope your visit to UMICH goes well this weekend!

Congrats ctbtrini! Is that where you plan on going?

Whoa! Penn accepted you for your BSN and MSN but rejected your for the PhD. If you don't mind me asking, what is your stats (e.g., MSN GPA, GRE scores, years of experience etc.)

Wall-E, I know, I was pretty shocked. I actually had a tremendous research fit with the faculty, and had letters of rec even from Penn! I have a flawless transcript from Penn, but my GRE was only around 1000 (although the essay portion was 5.5). I eventually gathered up the courage to ask one of the faculty members I had significant correspondence with what happened. She said it was soley based on GRE and was very disappointed. Apparenlty Penn publishes the GRE scores and they want to compete strongly by having exceptionally high GRE scores for PhD students. I had actually scored

Fortunately, every other school did give me good news! Thank goodness! I have been laboring over the decision between Yale and UCSF. And thank you to everyone for the congrats! This is exciting!

How goes the decision making calinp and BayArea2010?

Specializes in Women's Health.

Hi NPtoPhD,

Congratulations on your acceptance at Yale! I was wondering if you had heard! That is so awesome!

When you described the decision-making process as "laboring," I laughed out loud. That is exactly what it seems like. And as an old L&D nurse, I should know. I'm in the exact same position, still struggling with the decision between UW and UCSF. As the input from previous instructors/profs., people on this board and *most* of my family is strongly in favor of UCSF, and I really think that my research fit is better with UCSF, I'm leaning in that direction.

However, I started this whole process with the dream of going to UW. I have actually been amazed at how my view of the schools was molded by talking with the profs at the schools, and with the application process itself. A year ago when I started to prepare for apps. I never would have thought that I might turn down UW. But now...

I wasn't actually expecting the decision-making process to be quite so difficult!

As BayArea2010 is visiting her other school this weekend (I think...I may have lost a weekend as work is busy lately...) maybe she will have a decision soon.

NPtoPhD, is the decision now strictly between UCSF and Yale? Which program do you think you have the best research fit with? I've looked at the curriculum for the two programs I'm considering and they are different...have you noticed any significant differences between the programs, and if you have, does it make a difference to you? Good luck and congrats again!

Thank you calinp! I am very excited! Yes, I think it is pretty much deciding between Yale and UCSF because you might remember I wasn't so impressed with Hopkins after visiting for my interview.

Like you, I get a lot of support for UCSF. Of course family would love for me to stay in CA, and I'm actually from Sacramento so I'd be closer than I am now. Plus, at work, everybody seems to be a fan of UCSF as well. For me, I lean toward Yale. I was very impressed with Yale when I was there for the interview, and I favor them largely because that's the best research fit for me. Plus, despite having to move across the country [again], I like the idea of living in a smaller city. And another reason is the financial situation is better at Yale. Although I did get the fellowship at UCSF to cover tuition, whichwas awesome, it still leaves me to fend for myself for housing. The cheaper cost of living and stipend in CT do paly in.

I agree, I think it has been interesting to see how our views of the schools have changed through the process. Hopkins went from #1 to #4 by the visit, UCSF has been a bit of a yo-yo, and Yale and Penn remained strong and steady. At this point, after checking my pro/con list, Yale is in the lead. Yet, I still have a really hard time actually turning down the offer from UCSF! AHHH! How has your "laboring" ( :) ) decision been coming along? Any revelations? I totally understand your conundrum!

Yeah, I think BayArea2010 went to see the other school this weekend. I'll be curious to hear how that trip went and how it will play into the decision. Keep me posted and good luck!

Specializes in Women's Health.

I hope that everyone is doing well with their decision making!

Both my husband and I are off today, so we're sitting down to make a pros and cons list and to start finalizing a decision. He had really thought that this would be an easy decision until last night when we started talking about it, and he realized that it wasn't nearly as cut and dried as he had previously believed. The problem is that both schools are good, both schools have very good research fits, both schools are offering some funding and both cities are lovely. Of course the real difficulty is that both are great choices, but when I choose, it means that I also give something up...

So, hopefully, I will have a decision soon. How about you guys? BayArea2010 and NPtoPhD, are you guys any closer to a decision? If you're taking a weekend off to spend quality time with your family, study for boards, or just NOT think about any of it, then I think that you're smarter than me!

Have a great weekend everybody! :)

Hi Calinp,

I am very sad, somewhat relieved too. I declined my offer to University of Minnesota a few days ago. And declined my UMICH offer of admission yesterday. I am not feeling well, I think I am very burn out. Please consider that I have not stopped (even during the 1 week spring break for the past 3 years). And before that I was a full time worker at the Clorox company, a mom, a wife, and a part time student.

I don't think I would be able to pass the NCLEX, sell my home, pack, move my children, start a new place, etc. by June (Research Institute starts) or even September...

I cried yesterday (and I NEVER do). Both schools were great, they both responded so well and were so kind. I felt so embarrased, as if cheating them. I had to let them know to, because I know there are other people who deserve to know as soon as possible that they have been accepted. UMICH may be able to give me a deferral but no guarantees on my Merit Fellowship....and I am sooooo smart, I sent the e-mail declining but also went online and decline the offer formally (so maybe a deferral will not be granted afterall) dumb!

I need a year to rest/study/mabe work? but also to sell my home and save money. Jobs in MI are scarce and my husband would have to drop and pick up the kids every day (for our sanity). I read that the bus system for children in Ann Arbor during the winter takes up to an hour each way and I don't want my kids to sit in there. So, my husband can only work during their school hrs.....

I didn't hear from UCSF yet, maybe this week (they say end of March beginning of April). I made my choice on faith, what I believe to be right, and on keeping my mental sanity.

I am sorry to hear you will possibly be deciding today, it is grueling. After I was done I was sad, but I also felt at peace and more able to focus. Bright side!!!

When deciding pay close attention to economics, where will your husband work, how about you, family location, easiness to travel back and forth, support system, and where is your heart. What do YOU want?

Cheers for you!!! YOU are going to grad school!!!! And that is WONDERFUL news!!!

Specializes in Women's Health.

Oh BayArea2010, I am so sorry to hear that you are declining both of those offers. BUT, through that entire post, what I kept hearing is that you are a wonderful mother and wife FIRST, and that will, of course, make you a wonderful nurse. I have always respected any person who can make a difficult decision using logic and heart equally.

Burn out is very real. When I started my master's program, I had every intention of going straight through to a PhD. After I finished my Master's program, I was just broken. I actually think that I had a type of depression... or something. I had worked throughout undergrad and grad school and I was just not okay. I graduated in 2005 and it has taken me until now (almost 5 full years) to be able to even think about going back to school. You probably need rest, time to study for boards and regular, engaging work for a while. In fact, I think it is absolutely essential. The peace that you felt after you chose to decline is the most important thing. Passing boards will be next.

You're absolutely correct about the economics and where my husband will work. When we started this process his job seemed able to move. And now, it doesn't. If I have to go some place without him at first, it will be a completely different monetary and mental health decision. This choice is incredibly difficult. Every single point you noted in your post is important.

I think that you've been incredibly smart about all of this, from the start. You have made a logical, well thought out decision. A decision that meets those standards is ALWAYS a good decision. My thoughts are with you today.

Specializes in Women's Health.

Just posting a quick update: no decision on which school yet. My husband's job is holding us up. We originally thought that he would be able to transfer to either city, or at least very nearby, but that isn't the case after all.

So we will definitely know by the end of the week, but a lot of this decision will be outside of our hands.

I hope everyone is doing well and has a great weekend.


I was accepted in the UCSF CCT Masters program. If you decide to go there I would like to meet you! I plan to continue with a PhD. I hope you also have a great weekend! All I am doing is Kaplan......

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