Any PhD in Nursing Applicants?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


I just finished my last PhD application this month, and I wanted to know if there was anyone else completing applications and waiting. I'm hoping to make a little group of people waiting together to ease the strain a little.

I applied to a reach program, one that I think is a great match, the other two are really interesting and all of them offer great opportunities. If anyone responds to this, I'll be more specific about programs, etc. For now, I feel a little exposed and just want to test the waters!

Specializes in Women's Health.

Hi NPtoPhD,

Congratulations! (And also, I'm sorry to hear about Penn.)

I am excited to hear that you were accepted at UCSF because I was too! Yay! And also Yay! funding!!!!

I heard from two schools as well this week. They were my top two choices, which was really, really a relief. Both were acceptances, and so now I'm waiting on the official notifications and the information packets.

This waiting period is torture, but as soon as I had one positive result, I started to breathe again. We're heading into the decision period with BayArea2010. I think that this new period will be stressful too...but at least it's better than the waiting period! This forum may switch to a decision forum....

Congratulations again and I hope that you hear from the other schools soon!!!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

Congratulations on those acceptances! Good luck to you!

Specializes in Women's Health.

YAY! Congrats to you too, calinp! Since you heard from your 2 top choices, does that mean you will likely be making a decision soon. Or do you think you will wait it out to hear about the schools that reply later? I definitely felt like I could breathe again after knowing I was in somewhere! What is the other school you are comparing UCSF to? I think you told me, but I didn't look back at the old message. So exciting! If we both end up deciding UCSF, we could be studying together!:lol2: I think this forum is evolving into decision discussions and away from the application part. I like being on this side better! Good luck with the decision process!

Specializes in Women's Health.

Thanks for the lovely congratulations!

The decision process has now become more complicated than I was expecting, but I am really excited to have options. Since I've heard from both UCSF and UW, we have started to weigh all of the potential impact of a move to either location. (We did before I applied, but my husband's job situation changed earlier this year, almost immediately after I sent apps in to schools.) So now, it's a more complicated decision.

The decision probably won't depend on the other schools. In fact, I bet you got the UCSF e-mail today that gave us acceptance deadlines. So this weekend I'm starting the pros and cons list. Also, what I really need is the full info. packets from both schools....

I will be honored to go either of these incredible nursing schools. And I want to give my all to these programs and get as much as knowledge from them in return. I'm really, really torn right now.

If we both choose UCSF it will be great! We'll already know someone!!

Calinp and NPtoPhD

I am so happy for both of you! Congratulations!!!! I am very very excited for you. I haven't made a final decision myself. I went to University of Minnesota last week, just for a couple of days, it was great. I am planning to visit UMICH in 2 weeks. I haven't heard from the CCT CNS masters at UCSF...

I want to tell you, UCSF has a great great reputation in the Bay area. I have 4 proffesors that graduated within the past 2 years from there, they say the teachers are very supportive and "bend over backwards" to help their students. They also are number 1 in NIH funding for research this year (particular to nursing research). I have been at the campus, it is beautiful, within walking distance of the arboretum, museums and the new Academy of Sciences. The UCSF hospital too is right there and it is top rated...and if you work over 20hrs they cover 2/3 of your tuition (may not be a concern for you however). They have partnerships with UCSF hospital, Stanford, and other hospital sint he area. Their faculty is very well regarded in other fields (medicine).

If you can, visit the campus, there is nothing like feeling the place and talking one on one with professors....and other students, ohhh! try to attend a class too if you can (I did at University of Minnesota), it gives you a lot of insight.

CONGRATULATIONSSSSSS! You deserve it!!!!!!!!!! I am Very HAPPY for you!!!!!!

I'm a grad student at Arizona State University. Hopeful applicant for fall entry in to RN/BSN-PhD in Nursing and Healthcare Innovation. My interview is

Good luck to everyone!

Specializes in Women's Health.

Hi BSNtoPhD,

I don't have much advice on interviews, but I think that some people may have posted some info in previous posts! Good Luck!!!

Thank you BayArea 2010! I appreciate the kind words :)

Did you visit your other school yet? Are you leaning in any particular school's direction yet?

I'm still working on the decision too. I hope that everyone is having a good week and that all the news is good!

Specializes in Women's Health.

Hi Everybody,

I thought that I would post an update: I'm still working on my decision. I know, that's not really news... but with just my husband (biased strongly towards UCSF) and my mother (biased strongly towards UW) for sympathetic ears, I've felt a bit pulled in two directions. I still need financial aid info/funding info from UW to make the decision.

And while I've received the enrollment form and the official letter, I have not yet received the financial aid info. I have a feeling that means there isn't any funding, but before I make the final decision, I need confirmation. I'm not really sure how long to wait before asking about it. My husband and I talked and I'm going to wait for another week. At that point it will have been three weeks since the admission e-mail and I *think* a reasonable time to send an e-mail and ask... If anyone has any thoughts, jump in here :)

How is everybody else? I hope that you're all well!

Hi Calinp,

Don't wait! Ask politely. I asked. UMICH told me originally to wait for a letter in the mail (and they sent both an e-mail and a letter within 3 weeks). UM told me right away I had been nominated, but I had to wait about 3 weeks to know. OHSU called me last week to tell me I had received a scholarship and that I should receive a letter in the mail this week.

The process is very nerve least for me. I don't know where I am going yet. I won't be going to OHSU, mainly because they do not offer a Masters for BSN-PhD track (unless you want a Masters on Public Health and I don't). I have children and my husband has his own business. I am trying to weigh everything very carefully.

I am a McNair sholar, one of the things they pounded on us, is to be first to ask about financial aid, usually the first ones to ask get more visibility and more chances to get aid. I would be surpised if UW didn't give you a fellowship, they are top rated in research. In any case you were accepted already, so I would expect it is ok to ask. Do you know which advisor and/or professor you want to work more closely with? when I asked about the aid, my questions were directed at the Grauate School Director of the program.

Back to studying the NCLEX....another source of stress! Ask, ask ask! I would! Shows you are sure of yourself and you are assessing your choices...! Almost forgot! Fill out the FAFSA I think they expect you to do that, even if your EFC is high, they still need to see it. GOOD LUCK and let us know what you decide! I will too.

Whoa! Penn accepted you for your BSN and MSN but rejected your for the PhD. If you don't mind me asking, what is your stats (e.g., MSN GPA, GRE scores, years of experience etc.)

Congrats on getting into UCSF. That's one of the top nursing schools in the country. You should feel very proud of yourself. :)

quote=NPtoPhD;4158686]Whoosh, this waiting period is hard! So I have heard back from 2 schools...and still waiting on 2. Bad news: Penn said no! Kinda crushed since I had been accepted both for my BSN and MSN. BUT, good new: UCSF accepted! Yipee! And even better news is they offered me a fellowship to cover tuition. That really helps because that was one major drawback about UCSF (since the other 3 fully fund their PhD students). But now the fellowship helps level the playing field. Still waiting for Yale & Hopkins, but I just feel SSOOOO relieved knowing I will at least be going to UCSF! Anyone else getting news back???

When are you taking the NCLEX, BayArea2010? Which books are you using to study?

I don't see flaws with any of the two programs and that is why it is so difficult to choose one over the other. The only thing is that UM wants a reply by March 1st while UMICH gave me until March 26th. I do not know anything about financial aid either. My McNair program just approved travling funds, I plan to visit each university in the next 2 weekends. The finals and NCLEX

What is your research interest? did you contacted faculty before you applied? Are you excited about one program over another? Hope to hear from you again. I see that you applied to UCSF. It is a fantastic university. I have been there in the past few months. It is right next to the Young Museum and the New Academy of Sciences, beautiful scenery, dining etc. The UCSF medical center is also excellent.

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