Any males out there tired of the drama?

Nursing Students Male Students


Anyone out there get real tired about the constant drama, anxiety, and non stop worrying exerted by your female classmates? To me, it seems like the majority of them have nothing to talk about other than nursing school, tests, and frustrating about clinicals/instructors. This becomes very irritating for me anyways. Just wanted to know if any other guys out there find it highly annoying?

Yes. It sucks when I get drawn in the cross fire especially in my nursing program, everyone is out to get one another and it's hard to be neutral.

I ll try to avoid it but the same thing is going to happen again and again, bad cohort. :I

New member here catching up on threads. I start my RN classes this month and cannot comment what goes on in the clinic. However, I can see parallels from working in a mixed office environment for 30 years. As a group, the females in an office were much more competitive with each other, to the point of being rather vicious at times, than guys ever were. Once it starts, whoever the target of the moment will receive snide comments in front and behind their back (which inevitably gets back to them), incessant backbiting and ANY real or perceived slight or fau pax (say, something trivial as mismatched colors) will get blown up out of proportion. We guys used to joke that you put three females in a room and within a week there will be a conflict underway among them. Just stay clear of it. No good ever comes out of such behavior in the long run and it will suppress your career. As the saying goes 'If you want to wrestle with a pig, you get muddy and the pig has fun." As a male in a female dominated field you also run the risk of being accused of sexual harassment. As an earlier poster said, said females may have laughed at some off colored comment or even initialed the exchange. Later on she gets mad at you and accuses you sexual harassment. It doesn't matter if she was OK to begin with, as the standard comeback is "I was just going along with the social dynamic, but really felt very uncomfortable all the time." Any such accusation could really just be retaliation against you by the person that has nothing to do with sex. Even if its proven that allegation was baseless and related to retaliation, Federal Law prevents the female from being punished. Therefore, she has no risk in paying that card against you. You minimally end up with a notation in your file that you were once accused of sexual harassment. That is useful for mgmt if you are ever accused again - builds a history "where's there smoke, there must be fire" sort of thing.

You know some people will believe that you are doing exactly the same thing that your female colleagues are doing. Except in a different way.

Complaining, but complaining about others complaining and not moving on. Dude if you think its okay people can vent, lend that same thinking to your female colleagues. Women and Men have been socialized to take things differently, but not all women complain about the same things.

I haven't even started nursing school though, so I don't know. But I have been through four years of schooling and in that time I have heard plenty of complaining about grades, teachers, and such by both men and women. I don't think there is something different about nursing.

But you do have your right, and be it far from me to keep it from you to complain. Just give your fellow classmates, female or not, the same respect.

You know damn well girls do this more than guys= point of this thread.

Specializes in Psych/Mental Health.

I've worked in a male-dominated industry for years and believe me guys have their own drama (I am a guy myself). They complain about different set of subjects, but complain nonetheless. Not all of them are like that, just as not all women are like that (I've also worked with many women and reported to many). If you really get to know the guys, some of them are petty and competitive about stupid things. Depending on what kind of firm you work for, sometimes you have cut throat guys at the top firm; then you have guys at lower-tier firm who think they're real smart so they never stress or care about anything (when in reality they're mediocre).

And by the way, I've taken 5 pre-reqs (will start nursing in a few months) and have not yet encounter ONE male student who is serious about school. One guy in my A&P class complained about the instructor all through even though his work ethics is terrible. The other guys I met either drop, cheat, or say the class is EASY while getting Cs in the class. The female students are distributed more evenly simply because there are more of them. There're always a few at the top, most are average, and a few are poor students.

The OP seems to think that he's the center of universe. To me he's just ignorant.

P.S. Actually there was one guy who's cool and smart, but he's going into PA. Also, he offered help to students who needed help instead of ranting about them.

I'm the only male in my class and to be honest I get alot of attention. We all get along well,( I'm not feminine just for the record ). However one thing I find annoying is the constant nagging of the instructors and upcoming exams. All my instructors respect and acknowledge me and ironically 4 of my 6 of them are males.

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