Any Jan 2010 UIC GEP Applicants Out There?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi all!

I'm new to the site and am so impressed at the wealth of information available on here. Kudos to everyone who participates and posts- sharing your knowledge is so valuable, especially to newbies like me! So, I wanted to start a roll call for Jan 2010 UIC GEP applicants on here.

Yes, it may be a little early considering applications aren't due until March 2009, but I'm super excited (and terrified). I'd love the opportunity to commiserate with some fellow students over the intimidating application process. I just started studying for the GRE and am feeling like I need to go back to the second grade to re-learn basic math!! Did anyone else have this same experience?

I'm 26, work full time in a completely non-health care field, graduated with a degree in Philosophy and pre-med emphasis (don't worry, I came to my senses right out of college and decided med school is not the most effective way (for me) to make a difference!). Most of my pre-reqs are done, except for A&P II and the Research Methods course. I'm having trouble getting letters of reccommendation, shadowing a NP, and studying the GRE (test anxiety...yuck!). Hope to hear from you guys!

Ah, okay, thank you-- it didn't occur to me to go back to the original email.

No, my resume is not there either, nor is the resume question there-- it just ends after the chart where you enter your pre-reqs.

Phew, that's exactly where mine ends. I think it must be the way they have formatted the application. Thanks so much for checking on that!

Specializes in Nurse-midwifery.

I just submitted the last part of my UIC app! That was my last application to submit, and I'm so glad they're done! The page on mine also ends after the prereq chart and says "no email" for my recommenders.

Looks like they'll be done reviewing applications by March 20th, and will make final decisions (after interviews) by April 13th. That's about a month earlier than last year, which is nice.

Good luck!!

I'm also an applicant for UIC GEP, for midwifery! Would you all mind posting if you are given an interview? I am very anxious . . .. good luck to everyone!

Specializes in Nurse-midwifery.

Welcome, rnewhouse1! Sounds like we'll be finding out about interviews soon. Good luck!

Specializes in Nurse-midwifery.

I was invited to interview! My interview is at 9am on April 1st. Has anyone else heard anything?

Hi aspiring midwife! I was also invited to interview! I'm going at 10am on April 1st. Are you from the area or out of state? Would you have time to have coffee afterwards?

Congrats to you both! Are you both applying to the midwifery specialty? I've applied to adult/geriatrics NP and I haven't heard anything yet...

Hi judr! I'd give it a few days. Each of the specialties coordinates interviews separately. Good luck!

Ugh I still haven't gotten anything from them. I applied for Acute Care NP, any of you hear from them yet? I'm sad...

Hi Liu2,

I applied to adult/geriatrics NP and haven't heard anything, either. I think acute care and adult/geriatrics are under the same faculty umbrella (biobehavioral health science), so maybe they just haven't finished reviewing those specialties yet.

oh good! let's keep our fingers crossed.

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