Any Guys Attending Trinity Valley In Kaufman?


Specializes in Periop.

Applying for Fall 2009 and wondering how many males are in the program? How are you liking it?

I am not a guy, but I am currently in the program. We have approximately 10 males in our class. We started with more, but a few dropped for various reasons.

I just finished Level I and it was an adjustment to say the least. It is a very demanding program (like most). The amount of information that you are required to absorb is at times mind numbing. We often joke that our brains are sore. That being said, I wouldn't change a thing. I definitely feel that I am being taught by competent instructors. Trust me, I would say different if it were not the truth.

Specializes in Periop.

Im looking forward to it, hopefully i will have enough points to make it.

I'm so excited to hear your views on TVCC's program. I am planning on applying as soon as I get the last of my pre-reqs.

How many points did you have when you were accepted?

Thanks, Melissa

Specializes in Starting dialysis.

The counselor told me that usually everyone with 10 pts. and up are chosen for the program. and sometimes they get to the top third of those with 9 points depending on how many openings they have left. He also said that those that are registered for the Spring semester will show up at the top of the list so it is good to be taking classes during the selection time.

I applied for the 2009 Fall nursing program with 10 pts. so hopefully I will be selected. I can't stand the waiting!

Thank you for the information. I feel better about the possibility of getting in now. :) Won't be this fall, but 2010... Here I come! (praying big time!)

Hope you get in this fall. Let me know how it goes!


I was able to get in with 9 points in Fall '08. I also took additional courses in the Spring so that I could be at the top of the list. It worked! I am unsure how far they went down on the list when accepting students. Hope that helps.

Specializes in Periop.

You mean you took more of the general education courses in the Spring after you got accepted? What list did that help you on? Thanks

I am planning to continue until I have my MSN, so I continued to take requirements toward that degree (Algebra, Chemistry, Stats, etc.). I don't believe that they look at what courses you are taking, just that you are enrolled in the Spring semester.

I am speaking of the list of applicants. You are ranked first by points, then by if you are enrolled in the Spring, then by how many hours you are enrolled in -at least that is how it was explained to me by a counselor.

Specializes in Periop.

so not being enrolled in the school ever is gonna hurt my chances? I already have my bachelors.

Judging from history, if you have at least 9 points, you have a really good chance. I am not sure where they stopped on the list, but I do know that quite a few alternates are currently in the program. I know not everyone was enrolled in Spring courses as it is not a requirement, but does help.

You may try calling the Health Science Center in Kaufman and ask to speak with Jeffery (counselor). He is very helpful. I was a little discouraged after submitting my application because I spoke with a few students who were already in the program and they told me that they had only admitted students with 10 points in the Fall '07 class and they didn't think that my chances were that great. When I spoke with the counselors, I found out that it was simply untrue.

Specializes in Periop.

Thanks, I am gonna have eight points, but we shall see what happens.

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