Any good books about nursing?


Specializes in Psychiatric nursing.
:rolleyes: I'm looking for a book about nursing. Do you know of any that are acurate or even just really good and interesting? Even just an author would be appricatied. thanks

how about Martha Rogers "Canadian Nursing in the Year 2020"


Is that a joke? I don't mean to be rude, because I've never read it but I've read other things by Martha. :)

I like Echo Heron's nonfiction works.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Nursing Against the Odds by Suzanne Gordon

Code Green: Money-Driven Hospitals and the Dismantling of Nursing by Dana Beth Weinberg

Tending Lives: Nurses on the Medical Front by Echo Heron

Why Not Me?: The Story of Gladys Milton, Midwife by Gladys Milton (a great story about one of the latest, greatest "Grannie midwives" of the South)

Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife

Peggy Vincent

Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers

Barbara Ehrenreich, Deirdre English

These are just a few. I have many more, if you are interested. I am avid reader.

Specializes in Critical Care.

Nursing Against the Odds by Suzanne Gordon

couldn't put it down.




Is that a joke? I don't mean to be rude, because I've never read it but I've read other things by Martha. :)

I like Echo Heron's nonfiction works.

Hi Mary

it's a futures approach, about the rapid pace of change that is inevitable

as she asks us to consider future options, and to move into action

Okay, sorry I was dubious!

Could you clarify which aspect(s) of nursing you're interested in? :)

here's another title I came across

Buresh and Gordon's "From Silence to Voice: What Nurses Know and Must Communicate to the Public"

Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers

Barbara Ehrenreich, Deirdre English

I'm almost done with Nickel and Dimed by B. Ehrenreich and love it! I'll have to check this out.

I enjoyed Unforgettable Faces: Through the Eyes of a Nurse Practitioner by Elizabeth Tate and Michael Pranzatelli. A very interesting read for an aspiring NP.

Right now I'm reading The Latino Patient by Nilda Chong. Not specifically about "nursing" but a good cultural guide for those who work with Latino patients and/or have an interest in learning about different cultures.

Specializes in Psychiatric nursing.

I'm actually reading Mercy by Echo Heron right now. Its a fiction book and I don't like it. Her non-fiction books are better?

I like Gesundheit by Patch Adams. M.D. It is about health care in general.

Good book!

You can also check out the website

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