Published Nov 24, 2008
14 Posts
I have noticed that on my day off before work, or even sometimes 2 days before work, that I become very anxious about having to go back. I have only been a nurse for 2 1/2 years and am I burning out already? I can't even enjoy my days off because I'm too busy thinking about how I don't want to go back!! Has anyone else had this experience, and what things can help this situation?
Also, I work in a hospital, and I have only worked in 2 hospitals since becoming a nurse. I have not worked in any other setting as a nurse and I am starting to think about maybe looking for a nursing job that doesn't require bedside nursing. Does anyone have any good ideas about nursing jobs like that?
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
yes i have had feelings like this before and still do. i try to keep busy the day before work and not think about it. i don't know why i get this feeling once in awhile before work but i just do.
i tell myself before going to work in the am "it's going to be a good day " and nothing is going to hapen that i can't handle" i also remind myself of the co-workers i will be working with and how much fun we will have to see them again.
just replace those negative thoughts with positive...
keep me posted on how you are doing
1,062 Posts
Excellent advice from kizzykatlove!
I would add, find new hobbies or passions to pursue.
When I was a crisis intervention nurse, working outpatient
3-11 pm the evening RN took the pager home and was
on call in addition over night. Luckily a staff of 5
RN s rotated the schedule.
I found time to pursue dance classes, horseback riding,
ice skating and took a real estate course.
Important to keep yourself healthy and well rounded.
this will keep burn out at bay.
3 Posts
The same feeling happens to me especially now that I'm working in PICU very stressful area all the childs sick.It only gets better lately when i start telling myself that I have a goal for my carreer and that i can only do my best and if my best is not good enough... well bad luck...a piece of advise you need to make your off days fruitful and dont be disturb about work ,, at the end of the day work is only work what is more important is that your healthy and your happy...remember we only live once... so its not worth making our life miserable....Be happy...and try to think about positive side and surely eveything will follow.
diane227, LPN, RN
1,941 Posts
After 30 years nothing upsets me any more. I look forward to going to work. I like all the people I work with and I am comfortable with my skills. There was a time when I became anxious before work and it was due to that fact that the workplace was not a friendly place to work and the shifts were long. I now work 4 -8 hour shifts per week and have the same schedule each week. It really reduces my stress level. Diane, RN
340 Posts
Do you get anxious about going to work because you feel inadequate in your duties or do you just not want to go to work....there is a difference.....I can't say I become anxious because I do not feel overwhelmed by work however I have had days that I just think I dont want to be there. If you feel overwhelmed by your duties then maybe another setting would give you a different viewpoint or staying in the same setting and figuring out what part of your duties overwhelm you and asking for help from another more experienced nurse in order to learn better organization skills and gain more skill would be best however if it is just that you dont want to go to work then I really dont think changing settings would benefit you because eventually that newness will wear off and you'll be feeling the same way. I know when I get in the "I dont want to work" mood I request a PTO day or request all of my days of in a row so that I have a small vacation away from work and then I go and do something fun-----my b/f and I love to take 3-4 days getaways and his job allows for that also-----or sometimes I decide I am doing nothing for 2 days and I spend 24 hours in bed just watching tv or reading books or cuddling with my cat (or my b/f) whichever one is more cuddly at the time :)
The mind needs a break from work and stress which sometimes is really hard to do if you have stress and responsibilities at home also but I remember to tell myself when I take my 24 hour bed break that the dishes or the bills or the vacumn will still be there and nothing tragic will happen while Im hiberating and cuddling for 24 hours.
157 Posts
I do the same thing. It is generally the day before I got back. There have been jobs that I did not dread and actually enjoyed going to work but for personal reasons I had to leave them (husband transferred etc).
I think it is because what we do is so important and with the staffing issues etc. It is so hard to do right by our pts and you never know what you might find when you get there. I agree that being busier might help. That is not an option for me. My husband is unemployed so I can't do much. I think you might want to try another area that doesn't stress you out as much. I always found that working for the state was nice. You got most of the holidays off and the stress level was much less. Good luck!
15 Posts
i am still a student but i find that oftentimes i have trouble sleeping the night before clinicals. i have to get up very early on those days and i get scared i will sleep through my alarm or be late. i also get anxious because i really don't know what will happen the next day. but i have noticed that it never is really as bad as i worry it will be!
I'm a new grad and still have yet to pass boards (working on it ) ). But, I remember sleepless nights before clinicals. I presume that it will be that way for awhile when I start as a new nurse. THen I think as I hear from others, that things will progressively get better. Thanks for everyones postings as it gives me good insights!
thanks for all the responses! i really thought about it and i think i was just being too hard on myself and trying to be "super nurse" all the time. now i just keep in mind when i'm at work that i can only do my best and not to kill myself trying to do "everything." i have been sleeping better and haven't been as anxious. i still do a little now and then. i noticed if i don't let work get to me, i have a better day and then i'm not as anxious to go to work the next day.
for the ones who are new nurses or who are still in school, i went through the same thing. i could never sleep some nights before clinicals. but that does get better after a while and after you have been working for a little.
846 Posts
To the OP, I absolutely know how you feel. That is why I no longer work in the ER. I am also looking for something to take the place of PACU. I am on "limited duty" due to a back injury, 1st time in 17 years. Since I have been out of PACU for about 5 weeks now, and therefore, not taking call - I've noticed my stress level is almost non-existent. I've been working for QI, HR, and some of the supervisors doing "desk work" - I LOVE it. I look forward to going to work. Love reading through charts, finding the information I need, it's like dectective work. Unfortunately, there are no openings in any of these positions, but I have put the word out that I'm interested. I just pray something opens up. I get to use my knowledge, without the stress of critical patients. Couldn't be better!!
Good luck, Blessings
151 Posts
i feel the same way no matter where i work or how long ive worked there.
being selfish every once in awhile helps.
take care of yourself.