Published Jun 24, 2008
111 Posts
I'm a first year nursing student and was just wondering what everyone's specialty is? What does it entail and how did you get involved with that certain specialty?
I was hoping some of your input might help me decide what path I want to take. Or do you more "discover" your specialty as you're doing clinicals?
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
I fell into the ER by chance and stayed there for 19 years, before jumping ship and going into home health. I loved the ER and love home health.
locolorenzo22, BSN, RN
2,396 Posts
It took time...I am starting as ortho/neuro nurse, and plan to someday go on to do ICU/nursing education....
24 Posts
I started as a LPN in LTC and as a RN I will be working ortho/rehab.
235 Posts
I am a new grad and just recently started working in the ICU. At my hospital they are building a transplant ICU, which will be on the same floor as the med/surg transplant and PCU. I am training on the Surgical ICU. I decided that was what I wanted to do b/c I knew I didn't want to do med/surg (although I will probably cross train then I am able) and like the patient-to-nurse ratio (2:1). I had never thought about transplant until I had my interview and thought it sounded extremely interesting. ICU entails every hour vitals (from the monitor, charting); 4 hour assessments, and taking care of extremely sick people. We also get called to codes/run codes. When you are in clinicals you will see what you like/don't like. Good Luck!
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,502 Posts
Started as a float RN (many years ago): ICUs, NBN, NICU, Postpartum, Ortho, PACU, Team Leading in MedSurg.
Then moved to Radiology and Cath Lab (need ICU or ED experience).
Stayed there 21 yr.
Now am exclusively Cardiology (Cath Lab, Stress Lab etc).
You will find your niche, keep your eyes and mind open. :)