American Career College in Los Angeles

U.S.A. California


They are now offering an associates RN program now? I was looking through nursing schools at the website. I thought they were only offering lvn programs. Is this something new? Anybody has heard about it? I know for sure I didn't see them in the list of rn schools before!

Do do you know what the prerequisites are for the program? And what's the cost? Thanks

There are no pre-reqs required, they are included in the program, but if u have them u don't have to take them again, the cost is around 74k

Do they take prereqs from other colleges? I'm sure that would lower down the tuition.

Yes they do if u got an A or B , otherwise u have to take it again (it does reduce price)

Not worth it. My bsn costs less than 20,000

Below is a link to ACCs catalog for 2015-2016. It lists the general education requirements and pre-requisites (pg. 85). The program is 20 months long and divided into 8, 10 week sessions. Apparently, the lectures are partially online. The total cost of the program is $66,225 (with general education and pre-requisites).

Has anyone received an estimate for the cost of the program without general education and pre-requisites?

Also, does anyone have information on the hours and days of classes (I know they vary/session)?

Program Tuition and Fees*

I have a friend in the program that started in February, his classes are on Monday - Wednesday. I know the class starts about 8am, not sure when it ends, but he arrives home sometime after 4 depending on the traffic. If you have your prereqs done, there's certain days/sessions you will not need to attend lecture, just clinicals.

I would not bother with this school. If you look at the BRNwebsite this school is on warning status to close. I would stay away. They are having too many compliance issues.

went to their info session a couple months ago I didn't like the location or the schedule. They require you to write an essay after passing the HESI.

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