Hi, everyone:
Ive belonged to for a couple of years, but this is my first real post--I'm a reader, not a poster.
I was an LPN for 20 years---had to give it up after rupturing my L-4-L-5 disc on the job.A laminectomy and 8 years fixed that. I miss nursing terribly, but don't think I could hack it the way things are today.God bless all of you who keep at it.
I am writing to ask a question about , I guess, medical ethics.
I have Barrets Esophagus, a hiatal hernia, and long standing gastritis.
No, I dont drink.
I had an upper endoscopy done on July 8th.By a gastroenterologist.
He took 40 biopsies, 4 per centimeter for each of 10 centimeters.
I had stopped taking Plavix on July 3rd.
I was okay until July 12th--nothing I could put my finger on, just felt lousy, slept all day.
At 10 p.m. that night, I vomited a large amount of black coffee ground material.I I called the Dr.s number, assuming that he had an answering service. Dummy me! The hospital operator came on the line, told me that he was not on call and there was no-one covering for him. She advised me to call my family Doc, which I did. He was on vacation at the beach, but called me back, anyway.He advised me to go have a CBC at the hospital in the morning.
I vomited again at 1:30---at 3 I had a tarry stool---another at 6--I called my family Doc at 7--he told me to go to E.R..
I was a little dehydrated, my hemoglobin was 10.2.
E.R. Doc tried to call the gastroenterologist--took 5 calls for him to respond.
He ordered I.V. Protonix---this is getting much too long--I was admitted
-he had ordered blood if my hemoglobin fell below 8---it hit 7.2. I got 1 unit of packed cells.
My REAL complaint here, I guess, is that he never came in to see me until my family Doc had written my discharge---then siad that the bleeding was from the EGD, which I had already surmised. SO--from Saturday night until Tuesday afternoon, he , essentailly ignored me.
I called the hospital today and lodged a compaint.
Am I right?
ALL replies welcome--thanks!