Am I worrying to much?

Nursing Students General Students


O I had orientation today, and needless to say it was overwhelming. Our dean stated that working at a hospital while in school had benefits and drawbacks. Drawbacks being that if we got fired or dismissed from the position we held, they probably wouldn't let us be students there for our clinicals, thus resulting in withdrawal from NS. Last year I was working at a clinic that belongs to one of our clinical agencies, and I had to quit very suddenly because of extreme personal problems, it also resulted in me withdrawing my classes that semester too. Needless to say my boss new I was struggling with personal issues, I did not put in my two weeks, and I'm scared I made a bad name for myself. I was not fired or anything but quit. Now I'm worried should I call human resources tomorrow and inquiry? I asked the dean of nursing and she said I should be fine since I quit, nit dismissed, and that if any further action was taken I would have been notified. What do you think? Now I'm over analyzing this statement and it's getting scary.

Who is this guy? Who does he work for ? Your old place of employment? How are they investing in your future? You are paying for your because they will let you take clinical at the facility they are investing in your future....what an arrogant buffoon!

But you need so kiss up to get your schooling it just really annoys me at the behavior of people these days ......Talk about being full of oneself....:cool:

I am still praying for you!!!!

I just realized you have a Weimaraner as your pic! I also have a sweet Weimaraner! Smartest dog I've ever had!:)

That's my baby:D

That's great news, still praying for you and let me know hows your first day of school. I don't start till the 20th, I so excited!


Thanks everyone for your prayers and concerns!


I'm so happy right now!

Talk about emailing me at the last hour!

I pick up my books at 8 am in the morning,

And they already withdrew my tuition from my loans.

Thank god!

So happy for you! Go make it count! Become a great RN

So happy for you! Go make it count! Become a great RN

Thank you so much!

Yay! I am so glad to hear things worked out for you :)


Thanks everyone for your prayers and concerns!


I'm so happy right now!

Talk about emailing me at the last hour!

I pick up my books at 8 am in the morning,

And they already withdrew my tuition from my loans.

Thank god!

That is fantastic!!!! It worked out just in time!!! Woohoo!!!

Very happy for you may God continue to bless you!

Very happy for you may God continue to bless you!

Thank you! I start next week, got my books today and I'm feeling so overwhelmed. Lol

I know right, start reading the test success book, its very useful.

I know right, start reading the test success book, its very useful.

I just started reading it last night!

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